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Let’s talk about being fake in the workplace… Why Fake it till you make it” mindset will boomerang / backfire and “Fake it till you make it” mindset in the workplace – why it doesn’t work Stepping up doesn’t mean “fake it” By Lizette Volkwyn, Master Coach, published author and Human Lie Detector   Have […]

  • Author: Lizette Volkwyn
Sara Canaday

The relentless pace and uncertainty of business today is taking a serious toll on all of us. Mental Health Leadership Priority might strive to be purpose-driven, impactful and innovative, but they are often hijacked by constant crisis management and the pressure to give everyone a voice. As if that’s not enough, add in the exhaustion […]

  • Author: Sara Canaday

THE STRUGGLE OF ALL SALESPEOPLE, UNDERSTANDING THE MONEY VALUE Here’s what you should know about salespeople, and really people in general. They don’t struggle with time management, they struggle with self-management. You can’t manage time, time ticks whether we want to or not. Here’s why we struggle with self-management In the absence of a clearly […]

  • Author: Rory Vaden
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Vincent Berends is the Top 35-under-35 and founder of the Optima business group – a group of companies that bring the disciplines of accounting, administration, finance, financial planning, insurance and legal practices together, as opposed to clients having to use various professional service providers. Name: Vincent Berends (33) Region: Northern Region Job Title: Managing Partner / […]

  • Author: Vincent Barends
Erin Hatzikostas

What’s Your New Year’s Addiction? Here are 6 Simple Steps To Avoid Changing Who You Are and Instead, Changing Your Addictions. It happened for years. Too often I would come home from work, open the refrigerator, then the freezer. I’d sigh and think, “F*ck, I have no idea what to make for dinner.” Sometimes I’d […]

  • Author: Erin Hatzikostas
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Unfolding everywhere around us to Disrupt or die as Duncan Wardle was featured in an article and video on NBR a couple years back. I made a prediction then, and we’re already seeing evidence of that prediction Duncan Wardle likes the Walt Disney quote: “It’s kinda fun to do the impossible.” He knows more than […]

  • Author: Duncan Wardle
Sean Moffitt

As we have seen ourselves Fast Forward over the last 30 years, massive disruption has hit the $4 trillion transportation industry. Detroit has shrunk into a tiny version of its former self. Air travel has continued to go through the constant boom and bust based on the economy and jet fuel prices, and has yet […]

  • Author: Sean Moffitt
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Having left a secure executive position with IBM for the insecurity of starting my own business, I sometimes struggled Working From Home before expanding into ‘real’ commercial office space to accommodate staff and here are my Tips for Working From Home-or in your Own Business. Now, like many others, I find myself back working from […]

  • Author: Catherine deVrye
Liezel van der Westhuizen Emcee

The Role of a Virtual Emcee, a guide is the one steering you on the right course – a firm hand halting you from treading where you shouldn’t, and it’s the instructions researched and tested to provide you with the best results too. Therefore, a guide is also intrinsically necessary for the optimization of an […]

  • Author: Liezel van der Westhuizen
wespeak global latest news

4 Types of Keynote Speakers – How To Match Them For Your Function   The function of a Keynote Speaker is to create the stage for the remainder of that event and deliver folks collectively with the very same function.   What varieties of Motivational Speaker are there?   Generally, there are four principal methods […]

  • Author: WeSpeak Global
Hanli Prinsloo - Comfortably Uncomfortable - Hanli Prinsloo Cape Town

Today I tried to count how many minutes of the last two decades I spent holding my breath being Comfortably Uncomfortable. Decade one of freediving competitively where I would train several five minute breath-holds a week with a maximum of just over six minutes every other days. Hundreds of dives down to 20 then 30 […]

  • Author: Hanli Prinsloo
Ryan Estis

If you’ve been having trouble concentrating recently, you’re not alone and here are some tips on how to Conquer Burnout at Work.   A recent survey conducted by FlexJobs and Mental Health America found that 75% of people have had work-related burnout, with 40% feeling burned out during the pandemic. And according to a July MetLife […]

  • Author: Ryan Estis
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If SA is to live, its leaders must stop feasting on dead ideas and There are several reasons why Venezuelan polymath Moises Naim claims the attention of posterity. He served as the minister of trade and industry in his homeland when that country was the richest in South America. Afterward, he edited prestigious journal Foreign […]

  • Author: Tony Leon
Christian Kromme

Ultrafast Computers Are Coming: Laser Bursts Drive Fastest-Ever Logic Gates. Go Digital What Happened? We are on the cusp of creating ultrafast computers that can operate at speeds much faster than anything we have today. How? By using laser bursts to drive the fastest-ever logic gates. This breakthrough was made possible by clarifying the role […]

  • Author: Christian Kromme
The Profitability of Integrity | Your Calling

Did you hear the fascinating story of The Profitability of Integrity about the French mountaineer who found a box of precious gems and decided to do something most wouldn’t do? Read on! ~ Can you make money from your Integrity? I stand firm in the belief that people do business with those they TRUST, can […]

  • Author: Jason Hewlett
raymond de villiers - VUCA

When Lance Armstrong was bust for using performance enhancing drugs through most of his career one of his defences was that it was part of the racing culture of the time and many other riders were doing it too. So, Would you use performance enhancing drugs at work? In order to be competitive, he believed […]

  • Author: Raymond de Villiers
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Speakers in the virtual space during this pandemic we have heard the word pivot frequently. And now it’s typical to hear phrases like “all Zoomed out”. In the world of events and training we are seeing a mixture of virtual, hybrid and face to face. No one expected this pandemic. While we continue to navigate […]

  • Author: Ovations
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Problems, obstacles or roadblocks of some kind inevitably pop up on the way to our goals. I was recently reminded of a story about a dog and rabbit that exemplifies that oftentimes, problems may not be exactly what they seem to be on the surface. It takes courage to look deeper, even though it might […]

  • Author: Sterling Hawkins
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Can you imagine Say No To Revenue? It doesn’t sound right, does it? Ironically enough, that’s exactly what might be necessary to set you and your business up to achieve success. Anyone that knows chicken, has at least heard of Chick-fil-A and their famous chicken sandwiches served across locations in 48 states in the US. […]

  • Author: Sterling Hawkins

The role of Leadership in a crisis, Leading through and out of a crisis is not easy. The uncertainty a crisis brings can leave people feeling disorientated, overwhelmed and unable to act. Intentional leadership is key in these times and those leaders who are able to slow down, step back and challenge their perspectives and exercise […]

  • Author: Penny Mallory
Make AI Work

Rebel technologists thrive when a couple of key environmental factors are in place The first thing is budget.  Making sure that you can find the necessary budget to be able to instil these changes is an ideal starting point. If you aren’t working towards some kind of return on investment, somewhere along the line, why should […]

  • Author: Brett StClair
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Raizcorp supports over 500 businesses, find out their innovative selection process and how success can be your downfall. Allon Raiz, is a successful entrepreneur building numerous businesses and he is the founder of Raizcorp which nurtures entrepreneurs and grows profitable businesses. How Allon Raiz Went From A Failed Business To Raizcorp Allon Raiz is regarded […]

  • Author: Allon Raiz

We all know remote working and the loneliness in your team has had a large impact on our mental health with loneliness being cited as the most common emotion being experienced by entrepreneurs, leaders and employees. This can cause us to withdraw and be less committed, creative, collaborative and attentive, and both the quality and […]

  • Author: Paula Quinsee
Juli Shulem

Do you get easily distracted when you should be working on a task? Work/Break Block System (WBBS) – The Productivity Secret You Will Love! Do you find yourself taking breaks more frequently than you know you should? Do you sometimes spend too much time working on a task and then get totally burned out before […]

  • Author: Juli Shulem
Kgadi Mmanakana

It is a common understanding of a vast majority of leaders that the employee engagement is a company’s most important asset. But in reality, that is only true if the majority of the workforce is fully engaged in their work. If not, they are either adding minimal value or are actively working against the organization. […]

  • Author: Kgadi Mmanakana
kelly swanson - Why Leaders Need To Be Good Storytellers

Me to My Husband, Bill:     Bill – look! My phone is blowing UP with all these stories about people getting this flesh-eating bacteria from getting into the ocean! Bill:    You’re kidding. (Not even breaking stride in his email checking) Me:     It’s true! It’s right here. A man who’s about to lose his arm. A 12-year old who is about […]

  • Author: Kelly Swanson
Rob Caskie

Social media abounds with the hype and extraordinary news of Shackleton’s ship Endurance is patience concentrated being found in 3008 meters of water in the Weddell Sea, 107 years after it was smashed by ice in 1915. This discovery has deservedly grabbed global attention. “Men wanted for hazardous journey, small wages, bitter cold, long months […]

  • Author: Rob Caskie
Joni Peddie

Drink more water! About 60-70% of the body is made of water, so drinking enough of it helps maintain the body’s fluid balance. This assists in transporting the relevant nutrients throughout the body, helps to regulate body temperature, and is a vital ingredient in good digestion. Besides flushing out toxins and maintaining regular bowel habits, […]

  • Author: Joni Peddie

We Made the Olympics which is the greatest contemporary symbol of human achievement, it is the platform of champions, performance and victory. It is also the single greatest platform of human endeavour, spirit and failure. The story of how Veldskoen came to the Olympics is remarkable, a true battle of will, perseverance and of course […]

  • Author: Nick Dreyer
Jim Carroll

THE ACCELERATION OF RISK as a few months ago, the National Safety Council had me as the closing keynote speaker for their massive annual conference – and I spoke to a few thousand safety professionals on issues surrounding new, emerging, acceleration of risk.   Including a story of what happened when Rosie the Robot from […]

  • Author: Jim Carroll
Joshua M Evans

The Best Employees are the Ones Who Understand the Bigger Picture   We often talk about the best leadership qualities, but we should be talking about the best qualities of an employee. The best employees are the ones that know their efforts contribute to something bigger than themselves. They see how their work has an […]

  • Author: Joshua M Evans
Michael Rogers

I’m already working–virtually, of course–with clients on what comes after COVID and what the future may hold. One trend is clear: the “virtualization” of our world has greatly accelerated. Work from home, telemedicine, virtual shopping, distance learning, socializing, exercise: more activities than we might imagine will move to the virtual world during the rest of […]

  • Author: Michael Rogers
Jeff Butler

Go ahead and search ‘happy employees lead to successful companies’ and you will be bombarded with consistent uplifting messages about employees and happiness (LinkedIn, Fast Company, Business Insider, Fortune). Just about every content piece promotes employee happiness benefiting organizations at large. That is why, contrary to consistent media, I couldn’t believe that Phil Rosenzweig in The Halo Effect completely disagreed.   With […]

  • Author: Jeff Butler
Colette Carlson

Are you guilty of multi-tasking during meetings? Unfortunately, being present during meetings, especially present-day Impactful Virtual Meeting, is so rare, I wish I could bottle and sell it. Here’s a few facts you can toss around the tele-conferencing office (Source: Prezi State of Attention Research): In any online meeting about 95 percent of the audience is probably multi-tasking. […]

  • Author: Colette Carlson
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Change Your Sleep, Change Your Life: Do you suffer from the inability to go to sleep? I have my entire life. Until lately things have finally begun to change, but it is a choice, as I’ve begun to make and keep simple promises that are making a huge difference. Change Your Sleep, Change Your Life […]

  • Author: Jason Hewlett
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Is email is killing your company your primary method for communicating with your colleagues? Then you have picked up a dangerous habit that is killing your company. Here’s why. 1. Email exacerbates knowledge hoarding What is your companies most important asset? Knowledge! It might not be booked to the balance sheet but your value is […]

  • Author: Colin Iles

Don’t you just love when prospects ask you that question? – What Makes You Different? If you recognize the question as the true trap that it is, and you know how to deal with it, then you love it. If you don’t treat that question as the trap that it is, you’re toast.   For […]

  • Author: Merit Khan
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I’ve been studying growth lately — human Growth Through Discomfort — and the most common models out there seem to be a bit misleading. Or, at the very least, incomplete. You’ve probably seen something that looks like this: It plays up the purely positive aspects of growth without at least an acknowledgment of the discomfort […]

  • Author: Sterling Hawkins
Amanda Stevens

We’re 60 days out from a new year and a new year and 10 things to do in the next 30 days ensure 2023 is your most EPIC year yet. I don’t know about you but I plan on making 2023 a year of EPIC achievement, EPIC health and EPIC experiences.   Having an EPIC […]

  • Author: Amanda Stevens
raymond de villiers - VUCA

Other than a brief period when I was in the Middle East, for the past 13 years I have not had an office out of which I worked. I have however, been part of teams that have worked closely together every day and Living in an online world: Virtual Collaboration and Virtual Teams One year […]

  • Author: Raymond de Villiers
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Aerial warfare of a whole different flavour has hit the open skies. Anti “Flying Pineapple” technology implemented by various private companies has become a thorny issue for the world’s biggest online retailer, Amazon furious about the use of anti-“Flying Pineapple” technology. Disclaimer: This article is a forecast of a possible future and should not be […]

  • Author: Pieter Geldenhuys
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Companies are constantly adapting to provide Habits of Collaborative Leaders as the most efficient and productive work environments for the employees. The team – not the individual contributor – is the new secret for business success. U.S companies spent $12 billion on leadership development. 56% of company leaders say they will soon face a shortage […]

  • Author: Vladimer Botsvadza
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What do you think the most important question for leaders today? And what’s the most effective way to structure the conversation to derive the right answers? As background, we’re living in an incredibly fast-moving world. Some are saying it’s a world of exponential change where we’re getting these mega shifts across industries because technology is […]

  • Author: Colin Iles
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To risk or not to Risk – could I cope with 12 pairs of gloves? The quandary: There’s a question on many female’s hearts and minds this week as the 29th looms ahead about whether to really pop THE question. It might also be on everyone’s hearts and minds wondering if they might be the […]

  • Author: Kate Emmerson
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Eddie Botes, Leadership and Culture Speaker wrote this article, Critical Thinking for the Adaptive Leader. VUCA is an acronym that is now well established as a description of the business world that we currently operate in. In a Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, and Ambiguous world, there is no going back to the familiar and predictable world before the global financial […]

  • Author: Eddie Botes
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In the traditional sales world, Engaging and Interactive Meeting, a professional salesperson would prepare for, and focus on, commanding the room, the conversation and the sales process, and you would be prepared to maximise the chances of success at whichever stage of the sale you are because that’s how you win deals for an Interactive […]

  • Author: Shelley Walters
Prof. Dr. Karina Ochis

Communication Represents You and Your Future Perspectives and Communication Impacts Your Success Communication skills are skills you will use for the rest of your life. Positive improvements in these skills will have a positive impact on your relationships, your prospects for employment, and your ability to make a difference in the world. An individual with excellent communication […]

  • Author: Prof. Dr. Karina Ochis
Josh Linkner

We all want to come up with the BIG Little Breakthroughs and the winning idea, solve the challenging problem, or invent something major that will become a staple for generations to come. Under pressure, it’s easy to freeze up and procrastinate. We get the false assumption that the only ideas that are important are the BIG […]

  • Author: Josh Linkner
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One top tip you need to maintaining a high level of engagement among all parties in any meeting is a challenge. But, doing it in a video-led environment makes the real-world challenge look like child’s play so Learn the one top tip. If you have spent any time on video calls up to now, you […]

  • Author: Shelley Walters
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If you don’t prioritise your sleep, you are putting your health at risk. Good quality Sleep Weight Health is the diet pill we’ve all been looking for, the ultimate wrinkle cream and the secret to longevity. And guess what? — it’s free!   When we think of our beds and our pillows, we often forget […]

  • Author: Joni Peddie
FORGET COVID - Howard Saunders

THE RISE OF THE MINI TYRANTS, we all know the type. Dress a man in a hi-vis vest, armed with a clipboard and a biro, and you’ve just built yourself a mini tyrant. You’ve licensed a tiny authoritarian to impose the rules verbatim, as he sees fit, no matter the context or circumstances. It’s worrying […]

  • Author: Howard Saunders
Dr. Darren Coleman

When the Chief Marketing Officer mentions brand values in the boardroom they can be treated with disdain and Why your brand needs values. Eyes roll. Disparaging glances are passed. Brand marketing mumbo jumbo. Nothing could be further from the truth. Brand values are important. They are powerful brand assets. This post explains why.  Values influence […]

  • Author: Dr. Darren Coleman
Vito di Bari

Technology in the Drivers Seat is in most of the tasks we perform in our day-to-day life, having an assistant to help us can make things much easier. For that reason, one of the latest trends in technology has been the creation of virtual assistants. Usually, these help systems are connected to our phones, and […]

  • Author: Vito di Bari

I chuckled as I read the words in Kevin Kruse’s insightful book, 15 Secrets Successful People Know About Time Management: “Throw away your task list.” In my time management and Juggling Elephants training programs I am continually surprised at the number of people who still use such a list as their primary guide for their […]

  • Author: Jones Loflin

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