What are Afformations?

  • Uniontown, Ohio, United States

Author:  Noah St. John

Short Description

What are Afformations as I invented The AFFORMATIONS® Method one morning in “The Shower That Changed Everything.” Afformations are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal is to change your beliefs about yourself by focusing on what is good and right about you instead of what is bad and wrong about you. This […]

What are Afformations as I invented The AFFORMATIONS® Method one morning in “The Shower That Changed Everything.”

Afformations are positive and empowering questions you ask yourself. The goal is to change your beliefs about yourself by focusing on what is good and right about you instead of what is bad and wrong about you.

This article will give you guidelines of the science of affirmations and Afformations, including terms, techniques and principles to use Afformations mindfulness to reach your full potential.


Afformations and Your Subconscious Mind

Positive Afformations serve the same purpose as positive affirmations. However, positive Afformations follow the idea that your subconscious mind responds more effectively to questions than statements.

Negative thoughts in your subconscious mind can hit you throughout the day. Your self esteem, your anxiety, your feeling of self acceptance — all of this powerful energy is responsible for your feelings of self worth. That’s one reason why Afformations are the key to turn negative energy into joyfully positive energy.


Afformations and Positive Affirmations

Have you ever looked in the mirror, and said an affirmation like “I’m pretty” or “I’m rich” or “I’m happy”…

And heard your brain say, “Yeah, right!” to each affirmation or positive affirmations every time?

No matter how many times you affirm, your mind draws a blank.
That’s why practicing my AFFORMATIONS Method works better than positive affirmations.

Afformations and Positive Statements

At first, you probably won’t believe these positive statements or positive affirmations. However, if you keep repeating Afformations, your beautiful subconscious mind will begin to believe in them.

Ultimately, these positive statements and positive Afformations will become your new reality in each moment.

Afformations and Positive Thinking

The power of positive thinking. You’ve heard that phrase – and maybe even read the book. Yet most people still don’t practice positive thinking in the right way. However, using my AFFORMATIONS Method, you can embody positive thinking into your subconscious mind and create a better life.

An affirmation is a positive statement you simply repeat over and over. This is the psychological basis of relaxing and soothing the conscious mind.

However, my AFFORMATIONS Method is a unique and simpler way to change your subconscious thought patterns, thereby providing space for real positive change.

Afformations Lead to a Better Life

When you ask lousy questions, what do you get? Lousy answers! And that creates a lousy life.

Using my AFFORMATIONS Method, you can start to ask better questions every day, which lead to better answers every time, and creates a better life – for you, your family, your career, your business, your health, your wellbeing, and your legacy.

Does this resonate with you at a deep level? It should!

Afformations and Better Questions

The point of Afformations does not lie in finding the answer, but in asking better questions daily. You can ask them aloud every day and track the effects on your experiences, so you can learn to trust yourself and your ideas.

Unlike positive affirmations, when you use my Afformations Method, you will ask better questions, your mind automatically focuses on things you’ve probably never focused on before — and the results will amaze you.

What are Afformations Written by: Noah St. John

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