Power Posing For Success

  • Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Author:  Dr Floyd Spence

Short Description

Power posing for success is a simple strategy that you can use to reduce anxiety, improve your ability to deal with stress, and boost your confidence. Besides, it takes less than two minutes and produces immediate results. Adopting a Wonder Woman’s pose might change your results or even your short and long-term success. Power Posing […]

Power posing for success is a simple strategy that you can use to reduce anxiety, improve your ability to deal with stress, and boost your confidence. Besides, it takes less than two minutes and produces immediate results.

Adopting a Wonder Woman’s pose might change your results or even your short and long-term success.

Power Posing For Success

What is power posing?

Power posing is a self-improvement technique in which you stand in a posture that is mentally associated with being assertive—in the hope of feeling and behaving with greater confidence levels. Consequently, if you want to feel more powerful and perform better with greater confidence levels at your job, take on a high-power pose stance – the result will be game-changing.

Furthermore, your body language plays an integral part in how you think and feel about yourself, and thus, how you hold your body can positively or negatively impact your mindset and mental state. In other words, by commanding a power stance, you can make yourself feel more powerful.

The science of power posing

Science suggests that power posing is a legitimate method to make yourself feel more powerful and improve your results. According to a study done by Harvard graduate Amy Cuddy, power posing causes neuroendocrine and behavioral changes for both male and female and leads to elevations in testosterone, decreases cortisol, and increases feelings of power and tolerance for risk.

On the contrary, low-power posers generally experience the opposite. In short, posing in positions of power changes our minds, which changes our behavior and ultimately changes our outcomes.

Get your pose on

Humans, like other animals, express their power through open, expansive postures. Similarly, they also express powerlessness through closed, contractive postures. Therefore, to be a success, try to adopt a power pose stance as often as possible.

So are you ready to build your confidence, improve your results, and take your game to a whole new level? Then just simply stand tall, take a deep breath, puff out your chest, hands on your hips like Wonder Woman, and strike a pose! By assuming such a position for two minutes, you will automatically change your thinking and instantly become more confident with actionable implications towards up-leveling your success.

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