Author: Juli Shulem
You CAN Make Meetings Productive with most meetings occurring online, I’m hearing about the frustrations of time wasted during meetings from leaders and teams’ members alike. Meetings are running overtime. The structure is lost. People can’t make it to their meetings on time – even virtually! Some people talk too much while others never utter […]
You CAN Make Meetings Productive with most meetings occurring online, I’m hearing about the frustrations of time wasted during meetings from leaders and teams’ members alike. Meetings are running overtime. The structure is lost. People can’t make it to their meetings on time – even virtually! Some people talk too much while others never utter a word.
Working from home hasn’t helped – as a matter of fact it seems to be the culprit. Meetings online can be scheduled within a minute of one another since there is no travel time. However, there is no time to pivot from one to the next and if one runs long – the rest are a lost cause with respect to being on time. Since we spend the majority of the day working in an office at home by ourselves, those who are more desirous of human contact and conversation might be a little extra ‘chatty’ when in meetings. While others are less comfortable speaking up in this online arena.
Despite the fact that people in your meetings may long to connect – most of the attendees also have other meetings and commitments that they must still get to. So, here is a way to get everyone’s needs met:
If you are LEADING – Here is what you can do better:
After a meeting, the initiator of the meeting should send an email recapping the events and discussions from the meeting and the commitments made during it. This will help those who may have had to leave early, or who showed up late, or those who just ‘spaced-out’ to feel they are up to speed on all the crucial aspects.
NOW – If you are ATTENDING – Here is what you can do better:
Meetings make up a huge percentage of our work week – so keep them productive. Avoiding time being wasted benefits everyone involved. Don’t have a meeting just because you feel you are supposed to. If there is no real benefit that you can see, and you can send an email and get feedback from that instead, do so.
Planning ahead for any meeting is the right thing to do – including determining if the meeting ought to happen at all. If you cannot attend each meeting you are invited to, let the planner know and be on time to the one(s) you can attend. Clear communication before, during and after meetings helps move your team, department, and the company forward. If your meeting isn’t doing that, reassess why you are having one.
Article written by: Juli Shulem
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