Course Details
Successfully make working from home work requires massive amounts of discipline, retraining your brain, and clearly communicating with everyone around you. This course gives you everything you need to work productively whether you work from home all the time or just a few days a month.
The online course that will teach you how to increase your productivity when working remotely whether you’ve been doing it for six days, six months, or six years.
The downloadable guided workbook includes multiple activities to implement the ideas presented in the course so you can be at your professional and personal best when working from home.
For over 25 years Jones Loflin has been working from home. So you’re getting an instructor who knows all about the challenges of working remotely and has learned the keys to success.
Thriving professionally and personally in today’s world requires you to be more intentional about every choice you make. That’s not easy when…
Jones U has the Working From Home Work courses to help you make meaningful changes in how you invest your time, achieve your goals, and build stronger relationships with others.
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Jones Loflin has made it his life’s work to help individuals and organizations thrive!
For over 28 years, he has challenged, empowered, entertained, and equipped countless people with presentations that are described as “fun,” “powerful,” and “timely.”
Combining his warm sense of humor, his use of simple yet powerful analogies, and his expertise in the fields of leadership, time management and change, Jones knows how to keep an audience fully engaged while they are learning!
Learning Points
14”Forgiveness Redefined” is an internationally accredited CPD course. The author-led course, Forgiveness Redefined, allows students to learn about Candice Mama’s honest and healing story. This course tells how Candice discovered ways in order to deal with the death of her father, Glenack Masilo Mama. In addition, on this course the student will learn how she […]
Kindra’s most comprehensive digital storytelling training program. Stories That Stick Mastery is designed to engrain the skill of storytelling into your psychology; giving you the tools to captivate customers, influence audiences and transform your business. Transform Your Purpose into a Story that Captivates and Converts Craft the 4 most critical stories to your business that […]
【このコースは、日本語字幕版です。字幕を表示するには、視聴画面下部の再生バーにある「CC」ボタンをクリックしてください。】 新しいビジネスを立ち上げる時は、最初の一歩が肝心です。このコースでは、分野や経験を問わず、起業に興味のあるかた、いつか自分のビジネスを持ってみたいと思うかたへ向けて、シリコンバレーで30年スタートアップを見てきたガイ・カワサキ氏が、起業のエッセンスを語ります。 ビジネスを立ち上げ、投資家やユーザーを惹きつける強いブランドを構築する方法 ·ビジネスを立ち上げるために重要な観点を習得。 ·マーケティングの達人でもあるガイ・カワサキ氏から、ご自身のビジネスに対する評価のしかたを学びます。 ·「やってはいけないこと」を学び、効率的にビジネスを拡大する方法を学びます。 ·実際の起業家のセールスピッチを聞き、生のフィードバックをご覧いただきます。 スタートアップにまつわる、起業家と投資家の両視点を知る このコースでは、ビジネスを立ち上げる際のポイントを学ぶだけではなく、ガイ・カワサキ氏が30年にも渡り積み上げてきた、起業家・アドバイザー・投資家としての知見を得ることができます。 起業家と投資家の両方を経験しているガイ・カワサキ氏ならではの視点で、両プレイヤーから見たビジネスについて解説します。このコースを通じて、彼がAppleやGoogle、またシリコンバレーで複数のスタートアップを立ち上げた経験から得たことをみなさまにお伝えしたいと願っています。 Entrepreneurship Course in Japanese コース概要 既にビジネスプランを持っているかたから、ちょっといいアイデアを思いついたばかりのかたまで。起業のエキスパートであるガイ・カワサキ氏が、実話を交えながら、起業の各ステップをわかりやすくご説明します。 ·起業に関するAからZ:ローンチからセールスピッチまで、資金集めとチームビルディング、そしてビジネス拡大のためのマーケティングまで。事業拡大に必要なポイントをステップごとに学べます。 ·セールスピッチの実践プレゼンテーション: 起業を目指す若者による、投資家向けのセールスピッチをご覧いただきます。ガイ・カワサキ氏が本気のフィードバック(手加減ゼロです!)を行いますので、お楽しみに。 ·ガイ・カワサキ氏によるQ&Aセッション:「良いアイデアと悪いアイデアの見分けかたは?」「事業が不調なときの気持ちの保ち方、事業が好調なときの気持ちの落ちつけかたは?」など、SNSフォロワーからの質問にガイ・カワサキ氏が答えます。 シリコンバレーで長年培われてきたスタートアップの知見や、実践的なアドバイスをもとに、ぜひあなたのアイデアをビジネスに結び付け、拡大させていく一助となれば幸いです。 Contact Us at WeSpeak Global and follow us on Twitter
Sales Strategies Financial Advisors and Discover How To Find High Paying Clients in 30 Days or Less And Supercharge Your Business. Discover How to Prospect, Connect and Build Your Client Base So You Can Smash Your Targets and Live The Life You Love. Discover The Tools and Strategies To Be A Top Advisor and Qualify […]
Time For A Brand Refresh and Branding Strategies? Are you frustrated because you feel invisible no matter how much work you do to grow your business? Are you willing to do the work, but not sure which tactics will provide the best results? Beyond taking risks, Jasmine Star understands the challenge of thinking like a […]
The Social Media Growth Academy is lead by International Social Media Trainer and consultant Zoe Cairns and her team! It’s a training community for small businesses, entrepreneurs, and social media managers. A membership site all about Social media and Digital! The Academy is full of in-depth training, LIVE Q & A calls, planning sessions, and […]
Having been there, done that, Ian Russell, wrote the bestselling, down to earth, business book: The Other End of the Telescope. retired from mainstream corporate life in 2018. In the book, Ian shines an irreverent but hard-hitting spotlight on the absurdities of getting things done in large business, examines the loneliness and tough realities of […]
This course provides an overview of the current applications and potential future uses of Artificial Intelligence in medicine & healthcare. Through a combination of lectures and hands-on projects, you will gain a clear understanding of this breakthrough technology. Artificial Intelligence In Healthcare The course “Introduction to AI in Medicine and Healthcare” is designed to provide […]
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