Authentic Networking

Course Details

  • Cost: $0
  • Type: Join Waiting List
About Course

This is a program for anyone looking to expand their reach, grow their network and build an alliance of connections globally.

Through the Mastering Authentic Networking program, you gain a remarkable framework anyone can use to nurture a personal network of authentic and transformational relationships.

Even if you’ve never considered yourself a “people” person. And even in a world where the rules of human connection are evolving at breakneck speed.In today’s world, whether it’s about growing within your career, starting a business or moving towards your goals — you can’t strike it alone.

Authentic Networking | Vishen Lakhiani

This program is about learning how to build a powerful network of allies across all areas of your life so you become unstoppable, well-connected, and move towards your goals and career progression faster than you ever dreamed possible.

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Vishen Lakhiani is the Founder of Mindvalley, an award-winning education movement with millions of students worldwide and growing fast. Through Mindvalley, Vishen has spent over 15 years reimagining the human experience — to explore the science of helping humans reach their fullest potential.

As the hands-on CEO of Mindvalley, Vishen has created Mindvalley Quests, A-Fest, and Mindvalley University, Mindvalley’s platforms to help shape lives in the field of personal transformation. He has led Mindvalley to enter and train Fortune 500 companies, governments, and millions of people around the world to live their most extraordinary lives. Vishen’s work in personal growth also extends to the public sector, as a speaker and activist working to evolve the core systems that influence our lives – including education, work culture, politics, and wellbeing.

Vishen is also the New York Times Bestselling author of The Code of the Extraordinary Mind and The Buddha and The Badass, both of which reveal how to think like some of the greatest non-conformist minds of our era and create new rules for life AND work so you define success on your own terms.

In this Masterclass, Vishen peels back the curtain of some of his most intimate moments to share hidden truths about the practice of constant personal transformation.


Learning Points

Join Vishen Lakhiani in this FREE masterclass as he dives deep into the core principles he’s learned that will insert life-changing personal growth into your day-to-day living so you can live the life you always wanted to live

  • Experience the 3-minute Conscious Self meditation
    • The exercise used by billionaires to access their intuition and download an instinctive path to success. (Prepare a quiet, distraction-free space to get the full experience from this rapid meditation exercise.)
  • Life’s 3 Big Pillars: A Framework for Flow
    • Learn how to make personal growth your constant state, so your personal transformations occur daily on a subconscious, intuitive, and automatic level.
  • How to master your emotional states
    • Get the method used by Stanford University to master emotional states easily (where others are paying Stanford as much as $16K to access this, you’ll learn it for FREE)
  • Permanently accelerate your rate of transformation
    • Discover how you can supercharge your personal growth journey for extraordinary growth so you see remarkable changes in your life.
  • By the end of this Masterclass, you will walk away with the tools and techniques you need to automate your personal growth and unlock your extraordinary potential.

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Instructor Speaking Profiles

Vishen Lakhiani

In a world teeming with motivational speakers and thought leaders, few individuals manage to stand out quite like Vishen Lakhiani. As a top inspirational keynote speaker, Vishen has transcended the boundaries of conventional personal development and self-help, captivating audiences around the globe with his unique approach to transformation and personal growth. With an unrelenting commitment […]

  • New York, NY

User Reviews

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Erin Hatzikostas

Unknot your career kinks with this powerful and bite-sized career bootcamp called Unstuck Yourself I get it… You’re a high achiever. Yet you can’t help feeling stuck in your job…in your career (maybe even your life.) That sucks. And I want to be completely clear – you’re totally normal and you’re totally curable. Unstuck Yourself | Free Video […]

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  • Erin Hatzikostas
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Shep Hyken

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The profiles and artwork embedded on these pages are from various speakers and talent.

WeSpeak Global provides costs that are accurate at time of publishing.

These remain the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by WeSpeak Global.

Course Fees listed on this website are intended to serve as a guideline only.

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