Course Details
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Creating Inclusive Environments is a vital aspect of effective leadership in the modern era. Leaders must go beyond technical expertise and embrace emotional intelligence to create inclusive environments.
Emotional intelligence allows leaders to cultivate empathy, compassion, vulnerability, gratitude, self-awareness, and self-care. By fostering these qualities, leaders can provide appreciation, support, and psychological safety, enabling their employees to collaborate, innovate, and address pertinent issues.
Enhancing Collaboration and Innovation
By developing higher levels of emotional intelligence, leaders can encourage diverse perspectives, skillset’s, and approaches within their teams. This course emphasises the value of diversity and provides strategies for harnessing its power.
Leaders who prioritise emotional intelligence can create a culture of inclusion, where every team member feels valued, heard, and inspired to contribute their unique perspectives. This inclusive environment is a breeding ground for collaboration and innovation, driving the organization’s success.
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Wendy Mahoney is an Innovation Behavioural Specialist and Business Innovation keynote speaker. She is the Managing Director of Newmella Holdings (Pty) Ltd, a Change Management Consultancy that supports Medium to Large Organisations in creating Cohesive Cultures that increase the velocity with which organisational goals are achieved by embedding the Values of Innovation.
She chairs the 30% Club for KZN (KwaZulu-Natal), which drives Inclusion within the corporate space; she serves on the KZN NBI (National Business Initiative) council, is a NED for Dare Restoring Worth (a Youth Mentorship and Coaching Academy, est. 2013), is an Executive Consultant to the Institute of Inventors and Innovators and serves on the Tedx Gresham Place and Vega KZN Advisory Boards.
Wendy lectured a course in Business Innovation Management at Vega School, a tertiary education college and subsidiary of ADvTECH; has a Bachelor of Business Administration and Marketing cum laude and a Master of Arts in Brand Innovation cum laude. She is also a Master Practitioner in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), an internationally accredited Trainer of NLP and is currently working on her PhD in Brand Innovation.
Course Modules
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Leading with Empathy
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Empathy is the secret weapon of effective leadership. Particularly in today’s climate of multiple demands from a range of stakeholders through various mediums – online and in person.
To build trust, loyalty and collaboration in their organisations, leaders need to become aware of their own emotional state and approach as well as those of their team.
By actively listening and understanding the perspectives of team members, leaders can foster the open communication critical to creating an inclusive culture, one that is able to harness the diversity essential to innovation. Increased empathy within the workplace leads to greater employee engagement, higher levels of innovation, increased productivity and all-round wellbeing.
An environment in which employees feel seen, heard, valued and consulted means they can bring their authentic selves to work – a condition which brings out the best in everyone and optimises human potential for a greater return to the individual and the collective.
SESSION 2 Leading with Empathy
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