Course Details
Up Your Game. Master Your Mind. Be Unstoppable.
Feel like you’re not making the impact you want?
Our NLP training and certification program will help you, communicate better and become highly effective at everything you do to make a big impact.
Increase your ability Impact others.
Get past that glass ceiling and win.
Reduce self-doubt and imposter syndrome so people see your unique value
Looking for more purpose passion and fulfillment?
Imagine feeling totally fulfilled doing more of what you love.
Get past any bad habits, procrastination, limiting beliefs, or fears that may be holding you back.
The key to making lots of money IS to live and work your passion! Your “why” is why people will work with you or buy from you. It eliminates competition!
Looking for coaching and support to accelerate your success?
Join a highly interactive & supportive environment to quickly experience the growth, skill development and transformation you’ve been looking for.
Access to 1:1 mentorship, and support from a peer group with the same desires as you.
Learn how to get the results, recognition and credibility that you want.
Want to make more money doing work you love?
Many of the most successful, influential and elite people in the world are trained in NLP.
Increase your ability to make significantly more money
Build trust and rapport quicker
Communicate confidently and powerfully with NEURO-LINGUISTIC PROGRAMMING
Contact Us at WeSpeak Global and follow us on Twitter
For over 20 years, James R. Elliot has been an accomplished and sought-out leader and trainer in the fields of leadership persuasion, communication speaker, confidence, influence and rapport.
Plus, he has had my own incredible transformational life journey.
In the past James R. Elliot had issues with communication, authority, gaining trust quickly, and confidently contributing and expressing myself – not to mention standing up for myself. He wasn’t being seen, heard, valued nor respected and I wasn’t doing what I loved.
This is all a thing of the past from both his own personal transformation and the tools and trainings he has learned during his incredible journey, in his work, personal development and in relationships.
James R. Elliot has the tools and experience to guide you and empower the people he loves to serve, and help you manage fear, anxiety and overwhelm, take action and eliminate any persistent limiting beliefs about yourself.
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Instructor Speaking Profiles
For over 20 years, James R. Elliot has been an accomplished and sought-out leader and trainer in the fields of leadership persuasion, communication speaker, confidence, influence and rapport. Plus, he has had my own incredible transformational life journey. In the past James R. Elliot had issues with communication, authority, gaining trust quickly, and confidently contributing […]
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Taking control of the stories you tell others starts with taking control of the stories you tell yourself. Each day, your mind is filtering stories about your abilities and your worth. It’s up to you to make sure they are good ones. Diving deeper into the lessons of Kindra’s book, “Choose Your Story, Change Your […]
The only pitch it perfect program that teaches you how to move from side hustle defeat to paid brand collabs—in less than one week. Build a brand, attract raving followers, land national media, and get paid to work with brands you love! Pitch it Perfect The only proven program for content creators and brand founders who want […]
Learn how to cultivate a brand by maximizing your presence & leveraging the power of your personal brand through leadership. Cultivating A Leadership Brand Nadia has anchored and hosted feature programs for CNN International, CNN Airport Network and MNet Television (South Africa) and reported for CNN Weekend. Nadia was formerly Editorial Producer for CNN’s Weekend […]
Discover How To Make Money While You Sleep in 84 Days or Less And Supercharge Your Lifestyle Discover How to create your online courses, learn about affiliate marketing and understand the sales marketing machine that will let you Live The Life You Love You have great ideas, clients you want to help, the technical knowledge and know how that you […]
Digitally transform your business by using the Human Centric Course and the need to ‘digitise’ and that if you ‘want your business to succeed’. However, if you just ‘put’ technology into your business, all your business challenges won’t just magically disappear. You need to use that tech to make your processes and procedures more efficient. […]
14”Forgiveness Redefined” is an internationally accredited CPD course. The author-led course, Forgiveness Redefined, allows students to learn about Candice Mama’s honest and healing story. This course tells how Candice discovered ways in order to deal with the death of her father, Glenack Masilo Mama. In addition, on this course the student will learn how she […]
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