Course Details
Crisis Ready Course helds where Effective communication is hard, especially when emotions are running high, facts are unknown, the media is sensationalizing the story, and stakeholder demands are pouring in.
In times like these, times of viral issue and crisis management, we know that communicating with transparency and compassion is key. This is not new advice. Crisis Communication experts have been advising this for years.
Even still, as we watch mass casualty crises unfold around the world, this advice continues to prove to be easier said than done—and now there’s an added twist.
Due to the way our society continues to evolve, the type of transparency that has become not just an expectation, but a requirement, adds to the challenge.
We also know that being able to effectively communicate amidst change and challenge—both internally and externally—provides you with unique opportunities to:
So what does this mean?
It means that choosing to invest in and hone your critical communication and leadership skills is going to increasingly be an asset for you personally, professionally, and for the organization(s) with which you serve.
Join Crisis Ready Institute for this Crisis Ready Course that will help you hone your critical communication skills and develop your Crisis Communication Program, with Melissa Agnes.
This 10-week, 15-hour Crisis Ready Course is complete with worksheets, resources to help you implement the strategies and best practices, and interactive games that help you test your knowledge and hone your skills in practical ways. Join us to learn from leading experts and bring essential best practices to your organization and clients, while strengthening your own crisis communication and leadership skills.
Contact Us at WeSpeak Global and follow us on Twitter
Recognized globally as an expert, thought-leader and visionary in the field of crisis management, Melissa Agnes has worked with global players, including NATO, the Pentagon (DoD), Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defense, financial firms, technology companies, healthcare organizations, cities and municipalities, law enforcement agencies, aviation organizations, global non-profits, and many others.
Melissa is the author of Crisis Ready: Building an Invincible Brand in an Uncertain World, which is ranked amongst the leading crisis management books of all time, by Book Authority, and was named as one of the top ten business books of 2018 by Forbes.
She is the creator of the Crisis Ready® Model, which is recognized and being taught as leading industry best practice in universities and higher education curriculums around the world, including at Harvard University…
Course Modules
Guest instructor: Aaron Marks
Guest instructor: Aaron Marks
Guest instructor: Pragya Dubey
Guest instructor: Katie Nelson
Guest instructor: Katie Nelson
Guest instructor: Mark Weaver
Learning Points
This Crisis Ready Course is designed for communication professionals, including:
Within this Course you will be provided with Worksheets and resources to help you adopt the learnings into your organization.
Your registration to this course grants you an internal license to use these materials only .
If you are a consultant, unless you are a part of our Crisis Ready Membership for Consultants, you will not be granted a license to use the Worksheets and Resources with your clients. Our membership for consultants includes a license to use Crisis Ready Resources externally.
All provided materials are the intellectual property of Crisis Ready Institute, protected by copyright law, trademark law, and other U.S. intellectual property laws. Registrants are granted permission to use materials for internal use only within their organizations. They are not permitted to resell any elements of the course, worksheets, intellectual property, or program.
Organizational Culture is evidenced in its values, policies, attitudes, structures, and beliefs. It is a tangible asset that impacts morale and company performance, and it can be built, nurtured, and changed. In this course, leadership speaker and consultant Sara Canaday defines organizational and culture and explores the different types of cultures prevalent today. Organizational Culture […]
Take Your Business To The Next Level by Marketing a Brand On Instagram Are you looking to take your business to the next level on Instagram? Good news: you’re in the right place! At the end of this class, you will know exactly how to market your business on Instagram and transfer that knowledge to […]
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【このコースは、日本語字幕版です。字幕を表示するには、視聴画面下部の再生バーにある「CC」ボタンをクリックしてください。】 新しいビジネスを立ち上げる時は、最初の一歩が肝心です。このコースでは、分野や経験を問わず、起業に興味のあるかた、いつか自分のビジネスを持ってみたいと思うかたへ向けて、シリコンバレーで30年スタートアップを見てきたガイ・カワサキ氏が、起業のエッセンスを語ります。 ビジネスを立ち上げ、投資家やユーザーを惹きつける強いブランドを構築する方法 ·ビジネスを立ち上げるために重要な観点を習得。 ·マーケティングの達人でもあるガイ・カワサキ氏から、ご自身のビジネスに対する評価のしかたを学びます。 ·「やってはいけないこと」を学び、効率的にビジネスを拡大する方法を学びます。 ·実際の起業家のセールスピッチを聞き、生のフィードバックをご覧いただきます。 スタートアップにまつわる、起業家と投資家の両視点を知る このコースでは、ビジネスを立ち上げる際のポイントを学ぶだけではなく、ガイ・カワサキ氏が30年にも渡り積み上げてきた、起業家・アドバイザー・投資家としての知見を得ることができます。 起業家と投資家の両方を経験しているガイ・カワサキ氏ならではの視点で、両プレイヤーから見たビジネスについて解説します。このコースを通じて、彼がAppleやGoogle、またシリコンバレーで複数のスタートアップを立ち上げた経験から得たことをみなさまにお伝えしたいと願っています。 Entrepreneurship Course in Japanese コース概要 既にビジネスプランを持っているかたから、ちょっといいアイデアを思いついたばかりのかたまで。起業のエキスパートであるガイ・カワサキ氏が、実話を交えながら、起業の各ステップをわかりやすくご説明します。 ·起業に関するAからZ:ローンチからセールスピッチまで、資金集めとチームビルディング、そしてビジネス拡大のためのマーケティングまで。事業拡大に必要なポイントをステップごとに学べます。 ·セールスピッチの実践プレゼンテーション: 起業を目指す若者による、投資家向けのセールスピッチをご覧いただきます。ガイ・カワサキ氏が本気のフィードバック(手加減ゼロです!)を行いますので、お楽しみに。 ·ガイ・カワサキ氏によるQ&Aセッション:「良いアイデアと悪いアイデアの見分けかたは?」「事業が不調なときの気持ちの保ち方、事業が好調なときの気持ちの落ちつけかたは?」など、SNSフォロワーからの質問にガイ・カワサキ氏が答えます。 シリコンバレーで長年培われてきたスタートアップの知見や、実践的なアドバイスをもとに、ぜひあなたのアイデアをビジネスに結び付け、拡大させていく一助となれば幸いです。 Contact Us at WeSpeak Global and follow us on Twitter
Employees are much more likely to stick around if they’re having Coaching in Action, their talents are being developed, and they feel supported by their leaders. But how do you enhance your impact and coach for both performance and development? In this course, instructor Sara Canaday demonstrates the practical application of key coaching skills through […]
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This 6-week Truth Telling Online Course is designed to help people do their inner work. The most important work we can do. To learn to honor ourselves and our truth. We all have a truth to tell, some of them more serious or private than others but when we block ourselves from owning our truth, […]
The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Creating Inclusive Environments is a vital aspect of effective leadership in the modern era. Leaders must go beyond technical expertise and embrace emotional intelligence to create inclusive environments. Emotional intelligence allows leaders to cultivate empathy, compassion, vulnerability, gratitude, self-awareness, and self-care. By fostering these qualities, leaders can provide appreciation, […]
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