b Brilliant Live Course

Course Details

  • Cost: $497
  • Type: Once Off
About Course

You have the degree(s), you do great work, you work your ars off…and you want to advance your career and b brilliant. But you’re not quite sure how to get there. Or (gasp) if you even want to try.

It can be a struggle

The working world feels really complicated and convoluted…and often filled with a lot of BS.

You feel like if you go for an even bigger career, you’ll have to compromise everything else to get there. Compromise time with your family, or compromise your relationship with your spouse, or compromise your health…or even compromise who you are.

b Brilliant Live Course

Don’t settle for an “okay” career

It’s so discouraging how often I hear people say:

“I’m already working myself to the bone, I can’t possibly take on more.”
“I’d love to advance, but I’m not good at the “politics” thing.”
“I want to be really successful, but I don’t know what path to take to get there.”
“Will I be able to live up to my family, company, or even my own expectations?”

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Hi, I’m Erin Hatzikostas – friend, mom, boss and career coach – all rolled into one. I became a corporate CEO at the age of 42. But it wasn’t easy.

I spent over 20 years in the corporate world, bobbing and weaving my way into a CEO position. After literally failing at my first career as an aspiring Actuary, I started to do things differently.

Course Modules

Getting Started
In this first module, I will set the stage for the work to come – what you can expect and, well, what not to expect too. I also add in some unexpected humor right out the gate…and never look back.

Module Highlights:

  • You will be coached to set your intentions. When you clearly define your intentions, goals and outcomes – it is nearly impossible not to achieve them. 
  • After watching the video lessons, you will answer some simple and powerful questions that will set the current and end state vision as to what you want to get from the workshop.

Making Connections
In this module, I will coach you on familiar things, in an unfamiliar way.

Module Highlights:

  • “Networking” will be defined in a whole new way by focusing on how to make authentic connections in every interaction you have.
  • We’ll dig into and debunk the term “office politics” and coach you to remove it from your list of reasons you can’t go further up the “ladder”.
  • I coach on the all too important Mentors and Sponsors, but I introduce the concept of “Expanders” and “Anti-Sponsors” as well.

Getting Uncomfortable
Things start to heat up here, and we don’t look back. In this module, we talk about the single biggest, career-boosting strategy I took – taking on reach assignments.

Module Highlights:

  • Inspiring stories and very tangible steps you can take to start (or continue) to take on new work, projects, and jobs that stretch you until you’re about 50% uncomfortable.
  • We dig right into making mistakes…and how these are gold mines for growth and getting noticed.

Standing Out
This is the fun stuff! If you’re not standing out, you’re blending in. And that’s not fun.

Module Highlights:

  • We tackle the 3 most powerful building blocks for leadership and how critical it is to practice these well before you’re a manager (and it’s also never too late).
  • I will also do some straight talk about how critical it is to communicate with senior leaders in the right way. If you can’t nail this, I’m sorry to say your career growth is limited. It’s sad but true.
  • I debunk the myths (hint: it’s not just for the big stage or extroverts), the science and power behind storytelling, and finally, I give you my five proven categories for storytelling. Then I put you to work, building your own story library.

Focusing on You
All the things we learned up to this point are all for nothing, if you don’t have the guts and discipline to focus on yourself.

Module Highlights:

  • We have a LOT of fun in one of these lessons (you won’t believe the sh*t I think of doing sometimes to make a point). And it will leave you with permission to stop only doing things for others…especially you “mom types”.
  • This might even be the most important lesson there is. We also talk about setting boundaries for yourself. Guess what?
  • You are the only person that will do this. I give you very small, practical tips to implement and build upon. 

Going For It
You didn’t think I’d leave you hanging, did you? In this module I walk you through a 3-step process to prepare and ask for the promotion you deserve.

Module Highlights:

  • I walk you through a 3-step process to prepare and ask for the promotion you deserve.
  • Not quite sure your next step is in the company you’re in?  I also lead a lesson about the most strategic way to look for your next job.
  • And most importantly, what NOT to focus on in that process as well (eh-hem – other people’s opinions).

Crossing the Finish Line
In this final module, I bring full-on Coach Erin to the lessons to ensure you’re inspired and accountable to take what you’ve learned and keep it going.

Module Highlights:

  • I give you my own, weird-a$$ version of “Win one for the Gipper” speech  
  • I talk about other ways we can continue to kick each other in the pants towards more and more success!

Learning Points

People might expect to pay $10,000 or more to get the hands-on coaching that b BRILLIANT provides.


Look, I know it’s not a small amount of money. If you’re looking for incremental change in your career, this isn’t the program for you.


If instead you’ve always believed in investing in your career and yourself, this is the program for you.
If your goal is to become a manager, director or executive, those roles come with massive salaries (not to mention bonus programs and stock options!)
Getting there takes a very strategic approach. Not only did I figure this out for myself, I also promoted many people into these senior levels.
I know what it takes. And I know what leaders are looking for.
What would even a modest raise be worth to you?
How would it feel to blow that expectation out of the water + do it in a way that was fun, exciting, and not focused on simply working harder?

  • Define and refine your career goals
  • ​Make authentic connections that advance your career
  • ​Get noticed and rewarded…without selling your soul!
  • ​Become an effective leader whom others WANT to follow​Communicate with senior management…the right way
  • ​Stop only doing things for others (yes, I’m talking to you mom-types)
  • Unlock your full potential to pursue your dream job
  • ​Use what you’ve learned and keep it going for lifelong success

  • 7 Modules
  • 17 Videos
  • 15 Worksheets
    BONUS #1

b noticed toolkit



10x Podcasts to change your life


The course is totally self-paced so that’s a-ok! Although I’ll highlight a new module each week (as to not overload you), you have lifetime access to the course.

Also, I intentionally designed this course to be light, airy, bite-sized…and it includes splashes of unexpected humor, which will actually have you curious and excited to watch and participate.

The online Facebook group and group coaching calls will also give you a whole bunch of “Accountabili-buddies” to keep you motivated at on track (and yes, I’ll be there too).

This will help! I teach the value of so many things that will help you break away from those that are blocking you and set off on your own course.

Most definitely not. Some of the things I teach in this course, I didn’t learn until I was in my 40s! It is never too late to grab ahold of your career…your life, and make it more than it is today.

To be blunt, I would say that you don’t have the time to NOT take this workshop.

First of all, the video lessons won’t take more than 30 minutes a week.

Secondly and most importantly, I will teach you in the workshop how to get off that non-stop treadmill and start investing in yourself and your career.

Look, I totally get it. The workshop will still be massively helpful without joining the online community. I’d also be happy to hear successes and challenges from you via other channels – email, other social sites like Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.

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