Hosting an Engaging and Interactive Meeting

  • Johannesburg, Gauteng, South Africa

Author:  Shelley Walters

Short Description

In the traditional sales world, Engaging and Interactive Meeting, a professional salesperson would prepare for, and focus on, commanding the room, the conversation and the sales process, and you would be prepared to maximise the chances of success at whichever stage of the sale you are because that’s how you win deals for an Interactive […]

In the traditional sales world, Engaging and Interactive Meeting, a professional salesperson would prepare for, and focus on, commanding the room, the conversation and the sales process, and you would be prepared to maximise the chances of success at whichever stage of the sale you are because that’s how you win deals for an Interactive Meeting.


In the digital world, this is even more important, because attention spans are shorter, distractions are more numerous and the medium itself makes it much more challenging to forge a human connection.

The simple reality, however, is that if you fail to communicate that in the online meeting you run the risk of being passed on to another stakeholder in the business, somebody that’s that has less interest, and probably also less decision making power.

You may be very insightful and may have strong perspectives or insight or value to deliver to the client, but if you cannot communicate that effectively, then you may lose their attention – and we really want to avoid that, because if the deal stalls or we have lost momentum, we now give a competitor an advantage where they would not necessarily have had one.

Hosting an Engaging and Interactive Meeting

The Introductions

The first couple of minutes can be awkward when waiting for everyone to join an online meeting and making small talk is a good skill to have.

No matter what you’re talking about, do it with positive energy that makes people comfortable and sets the tone for the call, never just sit in silence until everyone joins because this can equate to inviting your customers to disengage which in return sets the tone for disengagement later on.

Creating the Agenda

When you begin briefly review the agenda of the call to make sure everyone is getting the impact they expect from the call. The agenda should be no more than 3-5 bullet points.


Then, before moving onto your agenda items ensure that you summarise what was talked about during the last meeting and what has transpired up to this point so that everyone is on the same page for the rest of the call. This has the added benefit of helping to refresh their memory!

At the end of the call, confirm that the end goal, which you agreed with at the beginning of the call, was achieved. If the answer is no, then you have an extra 5 minutes or so to handle that and ensure that you do address their main concern.

This will lay the foundation for an excellent online sales meeting. There are other essential considerations such as:

  • How to ensure you get engagement
  • How to demonstrate your expertise without dominating the meeting
  • How to handle a sceptic in your online meeting
  • How to politely interrupt so that you can keep the meeting on track

That is to name but a few skills you will need to really perform powerfully online. This may seem like an overwhelming and unfamiliar place and we have received so many requests to assist and guide sales teams to structured success in a digital sales process.


We have heard you and we are delighted to announce the launch of our very own Remote Selling Course for teams that are ready and willing to engage in digital client engagement.  The course will be released early in October 2020, in two weeks’ time.

Contact Us at WeSpeak Global and follow us on Twitter

The articles, video and images embedded on these pages are from various speakers and talent.

These remain the property of its owner and are not affiliated with or endorsed by WeSpeak Global.

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