Author: DNA Life Coaching
Think Yourself Thin reaches no.1 Best Seller rank on Amazon VANCOUVER, July 19, 2016 /CNW Telbec/ – Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas, inspirational speaker and Life Coach, tops bestseller lists with her new book Think Yourself Thin. In Think Yourself Thin, Nathalie combines her experience in life coaching, fitness, nutrition and Neuro-Linguistic Programming into a system that shows you how to reprogram […]
Think Yourself Thin reaches no.1 Best Seller rank on Amazon
VANCOUVER, July 19, 2016 /CNW Telbec/ – Nathalie Plamondon-Thomas, inspirational speaker and Life Coach, tops bestseller lists with her new book Think Yourself Thin.
In Think Yourself Thin, Nathalie combines her experience in life coaching, fitness, nutrition and Neuro-Linguistic Programming into a system that shows you how to reprogram your brain to lose weight effortlessly and how to keep the weight off for good.
Readers discover, in this fascinating book, the complexity and power of the brain and how to elicit what they want. They learn how to make room for what they want and new techniques to clear any negative impact from their past. Then they learn how to program their own brain with what they want.
Nathalie offers one-on-one and executive coaching, speaking engagements, conventions and conferences, seminars and keynotes, puts on workshops and teaches fitness classes.
Read full Article: HERE
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I had been begging my dad for ages, and my wall was full of Bruce Lee posters. I wanted to know how to fight! The difference between life and death in a sticky situation could come down to KNOWING what you know. Then one afternoon, he drove up the driveway and said: “Get in, we’re […]
Leading significant organizational change is hard, A Navy SEAL’s 7 Steps for Using Culture to Drive Change. Though well-intentioned, that’s why over half of major transformation efforts fail. Why? Many reasons can include but aren’t limited to a bad strategy, a weak culture lacking trust and accountability, poor communication, low levels of buy-in, change […]
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In his new book, “Can’t Hurt Me,” David Goggins, who many call the “toughest man alive,” recalls how he overcame a difficult childhood to become a Navy SEAL. He sits down with Craig Melvin to discuss the lessons he learned about the body’s capabilities. READ FULL ARTICLE Contact Us at WeSpeak Global and […]
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As 2021 comes to an end, what did you rethink Keys to Build Resilience or unlearn over the past couple of years in order to personally and professionally survive and thrive? I’ll go first. Being well versed in the science of change didn’t stop me from initially doubting the success of virtual events. After all, […]
“Technology is exponential but humans are not and can do great things, but it does not WANT to do great things – it does not want anything” says Apple’s CEO Tim Cook (a quote I have often used in my talks). Technology is a tool not a purpose – see my ‘carpenter and the hammer example’ (video). “Both […]
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