The Most Important Question For Leaders Today?

  • Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Author:  Colin Iles

Short Description

What do you think the most important question for leaders today? And what’s the most effective way to structure the conversation to derive the right answers? As background, we’re living in an incredibly fast-moving world. Some are saying it’s a world of exponential change where we’re getting these mega shifts across industries because technology is […]

What do you think the most important question for leaders today?

And what’s the most effective way to structure the conversation to derive the right answers?

As background, we’re living in an incredibly fast-moving world.

Some are saying it’s a world of exponential change where we’re getting these mega shifts across industries because technology is allowing new markets, new products and new services to be opened in years, sometimes just months

The Most Important Question For Leaders Today?

You can look at these trends and determine them as threats, opportunities or perhaps both.

Regardless,  as a leadership team, you’ve still got to ask the right questions to identify the strategy that you want to go and run with.

And I think this is one of the most effective questions you can ask your leadership team to unpack how to adapt to thrive in an exponential world.

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