‘Not really a water-person’ | Hanli Prinsloo

  • Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa

Author:  Hanli Prinsloo

Short Description

I have heard I’m not really a water-person statement so many times. But what does it really mean? You come from water, you drink water, and it turns out – water knows you very well whether or not you want to be part of the relationship. We are all water people, you might just not […]

I have heard I’m not really a water-person statement so many times. But what does it really mean?

You come from water, you drink water, and it turns out – water knows you very well whether or not you want to be part of the relationship. We are all water people, you might just not have had the opportunity to grow comfortable under water – but if you were to try, your body will tell you, you really really are a water person!

The Mammalian Dive Response is a series of adaptations for ocean submersion that the water-loving homo sapiens shares with whales, dolphins and seals!

We are perfectly adapted for time under water on one breath. We have an inner seal living inside of us ready to come out during any water submersion as really a water-person!

Like cogs in a vast machine this response is set in motion as soon as your face is submerged in water. ‘Aha,’ the aquatic mammalian inside you says, ‘ we are freediving!’ and whoosh bradycardia sets in: brady- slowing down, cardia- of the heart.

‘I’m not really a water-person’ | Hanli Prinsloo

The heart rate drops dramatically slowing down the circulation and usage of precious oxygen! As the carbon dioxide levels in the blood rise, the aquatic mammal gears up for auto-vasoconstriction.

Blood vessels in the arms and legs constrict, shunting blood back to the core of the heart-lung-brain combo where oxygen is used more essentially and efficiently.

The breathing reflex of our terrestrial body is making itself heard, diaphragmatic contractions try force you to breathe, it’s uncomfortable but it’s not a final reflex we have to obey.

The aquatic mammal knows this is a false alarm – you still have lots of oxygen, hidden oxygen reserves especially in the human spleen, which like that of deep diving seals, responds to heightened carbon dioxide levels by contracting and releasing the oxygen rich reserves of haemoglobin into the blood.

You are now fully a seal, ready to dive to great depths, spend time cavorting under the waves, explore new landscapes and wildernesses…  stay relaxed when you get held down under a wave if you’re a surfer!

You don’t need a lot of equipment, money or even time to reconnect with our beautiful oceans – just grab a mask, snorkel and fins and walk on in.

Feel the weightlessness of your body in water, enjoy the quiet, the solitude and beauty of total submersion. And if you live far from the sea – just close your eyes and deepen your breath.

In and out, like waves and tides our breath copies the ocean. In and out, with each breath you take the oxygen you use is a reminder of the oceans gift. Water… and air. Even far from the ocean, you are an aquatic being and really a water-person.

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