Author: Ricardo Cabete
In this article you will discover Emotional Management Practices. A person with poor emotional management in the workplace, or even in personal life, can have consequences such as being fired or failing to maintain a stable relationship. At work, those who do not have an awareness of their emotions are often someone who has difficulty appreciating and being appreciated […]
In this article you will discover Emotional Management Practices.
A person with poor emotional management in the workplace, or even in personal life, can have consequences such as being fired or failing to maintain a stable relationship.
At work, those who do not have an awareness of their emotions are often someone who has difficulty appreciating and being appreciated by professional colleagues. Being a professional requires maturity, dignity and integrity. We cannot respect those who cannot control their emotions in their personal lives and at work.
If we have weak management skills, our ego is moved and pride overrides our intelligence and knowledge.
At work, our Emotional Intelligence is an even more important factor than our talent or technical skills. The importance of emotional management in our lives is scientifically proven.
1) Become an Observer
To manage your emotions you need to develop the ability to act as an observer of your own emotional experiences without judging yourself.
Yes, it is difficult because our minds are constantly looking for the good or bad side of each situation or person. This happens to help us find strategies to solve or improve the situation or problem we have.
When we let our assessment of the situation define our experience without thinking if it really is the best interpretation, we end up reacting instead of responding. We ended up acting more emotionally and less rationally.
To develop good emotional management, we first need to learn to observe and understand the emotions we experience.
We need to be aware of the discomfort that certain emotions cause, such as sadness or anger, without having to deny or change that emotion.
This lighter way of thinking helps us to have more balance. There is no need to reject situations or emotions just because they are uncomfortable.
Not everything that is uncomfortable is negative. If we can be objective, we can transform discomfort into productivity.
2) Practice Acceptance
When we feel overwhelmed with emotion, we are instantly filled with adrenaline and focused on unconscious processes of survival.
These processes make it a challenge to separate emotions from our automatic impulses to act.
We may not be able to choose what we feel, but we may be aware that we are reacting and being proactive in doing something about what is happening at the moment.
Take a step back.
It’s amazing how stopping for a moment helps to calm the mind. It helps us to judge the situation less, others and ourselves. It helps us to stop our reactive impulses to speak or act before thinking.
When we can calm down and accept what makes us uncomfortable, we can more easily accept what is going on.
Acceptance helps us to tolerate chaos with more confidence, less fear and less resistance.
3) Compare yourself with yourself
Social networks have only reinforced our tendency to compare ourselves with others.
When you compare your life with the life of someone you see on social media, you are comparing very different things.
You have a lot of information about your own life, but even then, you are often not aware of how happy you are with what you already have. We often look back and think, I was happy at the time and didn’t know.
Regarding the lives of people you see on Instagram traveling and always smiling. You have no idea what’s beyond that photo, smiles often hide very unhappy and lonely people.
The comparison that helps you is when you compare what you did today compared to what you did yesterday.
Have you improved anything from yesterday to today? Or have you been in the same routine for months or years? Get a little better every day and compare yourself with yourself.
Personal development and emotional management means improving small details and habits in our daily lives. No pressure, just focus on improvement.
4) Open your Impartial Mind
When we judge what we feel to be right or wrong, our emotions control us. They give us the feeling that we are powerless in managing emotions.
When we react based on a black and white assessment, it means that we are not seeing all the different nuances and tones that that situation may have.
We often impose our opinion on others as if it were a universal truth. Black and white thinking is incredibly limiting in terms of finding other meanings that could generate solutions to our problem.
When we are able to be open-minded and genuinely impartial, this attitude helps us to get an idea of the situation closer to reality, including the ideas and emotions of others. This is one of the crucial skills of Emotional Intelligence. Be aware, name and understand the emotions of others.
In this way, situations are approached in a more fluid and creative way instead of focusing only on our own interests.
In order to be impartial, we need to improve skills such as emotional self-awareness, changing meaning and recognizing the emotions and thoughts of others.
5) Practice Consciousness without Labels
When our focus is on managing our emotions in an active way, it is easier to disconnect our mind from obsessive thoughts or memories that do not let go. Often these thoughts have nothing to do with what we are doing at that moment and there is no use in thinking about it.
We don’t need to label what’s going on right now as good or bad.
We need to train our mind to think in each moment, “What is happening now, is what it is.”
Resists the temptation to label a situation or a person. There are many advantages to letting things happen naturally without labels.
As difficult as it may seem to have no control over a situation, let the discomfort slowly subside. Stay away from rigid patterns of thought or behavior.
In doing so, we are open to finding solutions that appear naturally rather than forcing solutions that arise only from the need for control.
When we choose not to label, we see life from a height and feel lighter.
6) Stay in the Present
When we feel strong emotions we tend to alternate our thoughts between the past and the future. This takes our focus away from the present, from what is happening here and now.
Whatever happens, let it calm down without reacting impulsively. We need to manage not only our negative emotions but also the positive emotions in order to be able to make decisions based on reality, instead of the anxiety of the future or the depression of the past.
Connect with what is happening now, right now.
Become aware of yourself, write or think about options for making decisions. Talk to other people to find out what is really going on with others.
When you feel that you have found an emotional balance, make your decision.
Being consciously in the present leads us to leave our “autopilot” that leaves us stuck in the mental dream of the past or the future.
Innovative and creative ideas often arise when we are able to calm down and create a magical balance between emotion and reason.
7) Practice Empathic Awareness
All the emotional reactions we have in our personal or professional lives are learned.
Through experience we learn who has hurt or rejected us and who has helped or treated us with respect and kindness.
Empathy means changing the focus that is on us and directing it to the other person, trying to understand what another is feeling.
Being empathetic involves adopting a completely different observation position in relation to our reality and experience.
It involves dropping the focus on the self, mine and the self. When our intention is born out of selfishness, we see almost everyone else as our opponents.
Empathy allows us to see others as colleagues on the same team. When we focus on ourselves, we tend to make irrational and selfish decisions. With empathy we live in a world populated by teammates who help us make emotionally intelligent decisions .
Everything in life and business is fleeting.
At a certain moment we may be going through difficult times but we will not be in this situation forever, it will pass as it always does.
When we experience emotions with high intensity, it is important to direct our focus to the present moment and realize the natural changes that occur around us and in ourselves. In this way we will be able to develop our emotional management.
The less distracted we are by our thoughts of the past or the future, the more calm, patient and curious we will be in relation to the natural changes that occur in all businesses.
This allows us to work more efficiently and productively.
Everything is temporary, this means that we have time to calm down and reflect before we act.
Article adapted from the original: Entrepreneur
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