6 #1 Habits of Highly Resilient People

  • Richmond, Virginia, United States

Author:  Amanda Gore

Short Description

TAKING THE STRESS OUT OF EVERY DAY with Highly Resilient People! Every morning they wake up and say today I choose joy – consciously – and then; They observe their thinking all day and stop thoughts that create stress. They work at being present in every moment and not worry about or dwell on what […]

TAKING THE STRESS OUT OF EVERY DAY with Highly Resilient People!

Every morning they wake up and say today I choose joy – consciously – and then;

They observe their thinking all day and stop thoughts that create stress.

They work at being present in every moment and not worry about or dwell on what is coming next or has happened in the past.

They control what they can – and know that the greatest thing they can control is their negative thinking and old patterns and habits
they ask for help when they need it.

6 Habits of Highly Resilient People

They stay connected to others and try to help and serve others they hug a human – #hugahuman.

They choose to find something for which to be grateful in everything that happens to them and in every person.

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