Working Remote – 4 Tips for Success

  • Carlsbad, California, United States

Author:  WeSpeak Global

Short Description

Businesses adopting a Working Remote workforce is a trend that has gained an increase of momentum this past year and for some, will continue to be reality for the foreseeable future. There are of course the obvious benefits for a remote team – no commutes for employees and lower overhead costs such as an office […]

Businesses adopting a Working Remote workforce is a trend that has gained an increase of momentum this past year and for some, will continue to be reality for the foreseeable future.

There are of course the obvious benefits for a remote team – no commutes for employees and lower overhead costs such as an office lease for business owners, but what does this mean for the day-to-day life of the company and its workers? How do you ensure employees stay engaged, motivated, and an important part of the larger team?

Below are some tips we’ve found helpful in maintaining high motivation and engagement with our team here at Key.

Working Remote – 4 Tips for Success

Celebrate wins!

Keeping employees engaged with recognition is especially important now. Many businesses have faced a multitude of struggles this past year so teams must take the time to recognize and celebrate their accomplishments – big or small. This includes birthdays and work anniversaries too!

Encourage a healthy work-life balance.

You’re only as strong as your weakest link, as they say. Making sure that your employees maintain a healthy work-life balance will prove worthwhile in the long run and should thus be a focus for all employers. Though the office space may be closer than ever in a remote environment, it’s important to keep a strong balance between personal responsibilities and work responsibilities. For some of us this means maintaining strict 9-5 work hours, while for others it might mean that you log back on at 8pm to catch up on a few things after enjoying dinner with your family. Carving out dedicated time is essential, and employers should be flexible when they can, knowing that many of us are wearing many hats in this new remote work world.

Stay connected.

Communication is key. Whether this be setting clear timelines and expectations on a project, creating dedicated communication channels focused on specific goals or formal check-ins with individual staff members or teams, maintaining clear (and concise) communication with your employees is crucial – especially when you no longer have the opportunity to pass by someone in the office and get a quick update about what’s been going on.

Do not underestimate the importance of video calls either. While our feelings for video calls may ebb and flow, its highly important to meet with your employees face-to-face (virtually, of course). Just make sure you set agendas or conversation prompts for your calls in order to avoid having a meeting for meeting’s sake. This avoids those awkward silences that make us all cringe while staring at the “Leave Meeting” button.  

And lastly, don’t forget the importance of fostering personal connections with your colleagues. Find ways to check-in on their holiday plans, how their weekend went, or how their children’s virtual schooling is going. Establishing these connections with one another maintains a level of human normalcy that can easily be lost in the remote world.

Build your company culture.

Build a culture that aligns with peoples’ values – not just any culture. If you’re thinking that you already have a set company culture, ask yourself if that culture still aligns with your remote workforce. Are the values you had set in place last year still applicable today? Do your current employees feel as connected to the company as they did before? If not, it may be beneficial to re-evaluate your company culture. If possible, include your employees in this process. Not only will they appreciate having their voices heard, but they’ll become champions of your company’s mission and values.

Most importantly, keep in mind that these ideas are not a one-time task to check off and forget about.  They should be focused on throughout the year and readdressed as needed. Keeping employees motivated and engaged is always worth the investment, and this rings especially true with a remote workforce.

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