The Persuasion Principle

Course Details

  • Cost: $0
  • Type: Free
About Course

Say Good-Bye to a One-Size-Fits-All Program and Say Hello to Kelly’s Boutique Experience, The Persuasion Principle

We tried to create a course that worked for everybody. The problem is that everybody is different. People like to learn in different ways, and have different objectives and outcomes. People like different levels of interaction with Kelly and with each other.

Some people like the group experience, and some like a self-paced model. Some prefer in-person retreats – others virtual group chats – and some prefer one-on-one. Some people need heavy coaching for a big project, some people would rather have access to Kelly all year. Some people don’t want the whole course, and some people want a little of this and a little of that.

So we threw away the idea that we need to create one thing that works for everybody, and have decided to create exactly what YOU need, when YOU need it, and the way that works for YOU. I know, cool, right?

The Persuasion Principle

Here’s all you need to do to get started:

And the BEST part is that we customize the program to fit your group or you as an individual! Whether it’s business consulting, training, keynotes, or a workshop. We’ve got you covered.

Whether you need your people to take the course online on their own time – through a series of virtual webinars – or bringing Kelly and her team out to your location in person – or even a hybrid of all these – we will fit the training to your objectives, budget, and time schedule.

We are not a one-size-fits all solution through The Persuasion Principle.

Contact Us at WeSpeak Global and follow us on Twitter

Kelly Swanson is an award-winning storyteller, comedian, motivational speaker, Huffington Post Contributor, and cast member of The Fashion Hero television show airing on Amazon Prime.

She is also author of Who Hijacked My Fairy Tale, The Land of If Only, The Story Formula, and The Gutsy Girls Pocket Guide to Public Speaking. She was a featured entertainer for Holland America Cruise Lines, keynote speaker for the International Toastmasters Convention, and has keynoted major conferences and corporate events from coast to coast.

Kelly’s wacky wit and powerful stories have charmed hearts and tickled funny bones for over 15 years. In addition to her role as a funny motivational speaker,

Kelly teaches people how she does it by sharing what she has learned about connecting and engaging to have more influence in business, through the use of one tool – strategic storytelling.

Sharing her own powerful journey through story and the formula she discovered, you come to that magical place where the art of story meets the business of persuasion.

No matter what program she can create for you, her goal is the same – to make you laugh A LOT. Then laugh some more. To make you feel valued, challenge you to think differently, and leave you better than she found you.

Learning Points

  • People like different levels of interaction with Kelly and with each other.
  • Some people like the group experience
  • A self-paced model.
  • Some prefer in-person retreats others virtual group chats
  • Some prefer one-on-one.
  • Some people need heavy coaching for a big project,
  • Some people would rather have access to Kelly all year.
  • Some people don’t want the whole course
  • some people want a little of this and a little of that.

  • Clarity on Brand Messaging
  • Selling without Sounding Like You’re Selling
  • Presenting Sensitive Topics
  • Reaching a Diverse Audience
  • Finding Story Ideas that Fit Your Market
  • Crafting Authentic Humor
  • Engaging on a Virtual Platform
  • How to Speak and Engage with Authenticity

Once you set up your consult, you will receive an Assessment Form by email so you can let us know everything we need to know about your objectives.

You have an awesome call with our Program Designer as you discuss the method that will work best for you.

We send you a proposal with the customized coaching/training system we recommend as best for you.

Once we fine tune the details (just like planning a party – wahoo!) then we jump right in.

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WeSpeak Global provides costs that are accurate at time of publishing.

These remain the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by WeSpeak Global.

Course Fees listed on this website are intended to serve as a guideline only.

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1902 Wright Place, Carlsbad, CA, 92008