Ultrafast Computers Are Coming

  • Amsterdam, North Holland, Netherlands

Author:  Christian Kromme

Short Description

Ultrafast Computers Are Coming: Laser Bursts Drive Fastest-Ever Logic Gates. Go Digital What Happened? We are on the cusp of creating ultrafast computers that can operate at speeds much faster than anything we have today. How? By using laser bursts to drive the fastest-ever logic gates. This breakthrough was made possible by clarifying the role […]

Go Digital

What Happened? We are on the cusp of creating ultrafast computers that can operate at speeds much faster than anything we have today. How? By using laser bursts to drive the fastest-ever logic gates. This breakthrough was made possible by clarifying the role of virtual and real charge carriers in laser-induced currents. With this knowledge in hand, researchers were able to create ultrafast logic gates — a key component of any computer.

Stay Human

Why is this important? Ultrafast computers would have a profound impact on our world. They would allow us to process large amounts of data quickly, making tasks that are currently impossible suddenly possible. For example, we could use ultrafast computers to simulate complex systems like the human brain or weather and climate patterns.

Ultrafast Computers Are Coming

The development of computing systems will be accelerated. The smaller the computer, the more applications it may run. Consider the wearable augmented reality technologies and Google Glass to be as comfortable and fashionable as stylish sunglasses. The applications of this technology are endless — and we are one step closer to making them a reality.

What’s Next?

The next step is to scale up this technology so that it can be used in actual computers. This will require significant investment and a lot of hard work, but the rewards will be well worth it. Sooner than we think, we may be using ultrafast computers to power our everyday lives.

Do you think Ultrafast Computers are coming? What applications of this technology are you most excited about? Let us know

Article written by: Christian Kromme

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