7 Ways to Be a More Confident Leader

  • Spring Lake, New Jersey, United States

Author:  Rachel DeAlto

Short Description

Build your leadership confidence with these 7 Ways to Be a More Confident Leader instantly-actionable tips from leadership keynote speaker and relatability expert Rachel DeAlto. In leadership, healthy confidence is key. Your team is looking to you for guidance, security, and support. But what if self-doubt is crowding out that inner boldness?   First of […]

Build your leadership confidence with these 7 Ways to Be a More Confident Leader instantly-actionable tips from leadership keynote speaker and relatability expert Rachel DeAlto.

In leadership, healthy confidence is key. Your team is looking to you for guidance, security, and support. But what if self-doubt is crowding out that inner boldness?


First of all, you’re not alone. Imposter Syndrome is real! And we all have moments of hesitation, fear, and that feeling of OMG-I-can’t-do-this.


But here’s the good news: You can create your own More Confident Leader. You’re in control of the tap! And I’ve got seven simple ways you can refill your confidence cup, be bold, and step fully into your leadership.

7 Ways to Be a More Confident Leader

These 7 More Confident Leader – boosting tips will have you walking a little taller this week:


When that little voice in your head says you can’t, you’re not enough, no one’s listening, and no one cares, tell it it’s wrong. Remind yourself that you’ve gotten this far, not by luck, but by your own talent and efforts.

Positive self-talk is a really powerful tool you can use to boost your confidence and combat those feelings of inadequacy. And when you use it often, your leadership will benefit.


Be empowered to say what you need to say to your team. It’s okay to be respectfully honest and make sure your team understands what you’re trying to communicate before you move on. When you know your team is clear, you can act with greater leadership confidence.


I understand— this tip takes confidence to try! But being decisive and willing to act also builds your leadership confidence in the long run. Handling a conflict, meeting with an upset customer, bringing an issue up to your boss… If you’ve done it well once, you’ll gain the confidence to do that— and more— in the future. And that’s leadership growth that benefits you and your team.


When you and your team have hope, you have greater confidence. The next time a tough situation comes up, resist the urge to complain about it or throw in the towel in front of your team. Focus on the positive, and encourage them to do the same.


The fastest way to bust that Imposter Syndrome is to prove to yourself and your team that you can do what you’re asking them to— in a genuine, we’re-in-this-together sort of way. Be the first to start making calls, care for customers, fix an issue, or close a deal. You’ll earn your team’s respect and set a confidence-building tone for More Confident Leader.


Nothing builds More Confident Leader confidence like an enthusiastic, innovative, engaged team. Welcome their fresh insights and new ideas! They’ll feel valued and you’ll foster a collaborative team dynamic that benefits everyone.


My last More Confident Leader – boosting tip is also my favorite: Just be you! There’s nothing more freeing than showing up as yourself. And while you may worry your team will judge you for your Star Wars obsession or quirky sense of humor, remember: People crave authenticity. When you let yours show through, you free your team to be their genuine selves, too.

You’re your own kind of awesome. Doesn’t the world deserve to see it?

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