Rachel Goble | The Legacy Project | Humanitarian | Ethical Storytelling


Rachel Goble grew up in an interconnected and multicultural world. Whether traveling to Central America with her family to survey land for the founding of a non-profit or trudging through the Sierra Nevada mountains as her parents sought to awaken Christians to our role as creation’s caretakers, Rachel learned early that the world’s peoples and problems are connected and that we must all help in overcoming them.

After earning degrees in Business Economics (BA) and Intercultural Studies (MA) Rachel co-founded The SOLD Project. She is the Producer of their films ‘Travel With Us’ and ‘Five Years’ and currently serves as president for The Sold Project. Rachel has spoken at dozens of events and Universities, including the National Prayer Breakfast, about the importance of prevention in the war against child exploitation. In 2012, she was recognized as a finalist for the Edna Social Justice Award, which honors women leaders in the social justice movement. In 2014, she was nominated as one of Christianity Today’s “33 Under 33 To Watch” list.

Rachel Goble Definition Of Success | Success means living a life full of love and having that bleed into my work life – creating organizations and programs and products that give that same opportunity to others.


I Am Driven By | I am driven by knowing that I can make changes that matter in people’s lives. I’m also driven by the freedom of creativity that my work provides me. There are endless possibilities and ways of doing things. I thrive in this flexible environment.


My Highlights | I am so proud that I’ve made it through some difficult trials in my life, like a divorce and have leaned deeper into family, friends and faith in the process. I’m proud of the ways that I’ve learned to balance vulnerability with authority and I have no doubt I will keep learning that.


I’m incredibly proud of the students in our program who wake up every morning determined to create their future even amidst all of the trials and hardships they face.


The Difference Between Good And Great | Surrounding yourself with people who are smarter than you is the #1 key to greatness. My mentors, friends, board members – all of them are smarter than me in various areas and all have contributed to me which in turn contributes to my success. I am incredibly grateful for those friendships.


A Key Talent | Adaptability. Starting something from scratch on limited resources requires being able to wear a lot of hats. I was able to diversify my skills rapidly, from graphic design to accounting to fundraising.


As time went on and our resources expanded I was able to hire staff to take on some of these tasks that were less interesting to me, but my ability and willingness to learn whatever skill is needed to take us to the next level has been key. In other words, learning how to hustle in whatever situation is presented.


Principles I Live By | Hard work. Honesty. Dependability. Faith. Transparency. Confidence. Creativity.


Critical Skills I Develop | Time Management has been absolutely key. Second to this would be resource management. As a non-profit we have accountability to our donors that invest in our work. Managing my time, my staff’s time and our resources is key in not only maximizing our impact but also stewarding the generosity of our investors.


My Future Dreams And Ambitions | I have a dream that prevention will become the new hot word for activists. That we will collectively realize that we can prevent problems, like child exploitation before they happen. It takes a lot of hard work and may not feel as urgent as rescue does, but imagine a world where we gave our energy and resources to prevention.


On a more local level, I have a dream to see loving homes open themselves to the idea of becoming more involved in foster care as one way to engage and prevent child exploitation.


On Inspiring Others | I look for people who are problem solvers and hustlers. I have learned the importance of accountability coupled with encouragement – we all need this, and most of us thrive in this. Having clear goals, missions and values that we can work towards together is so important.


At the core of what we do is our mission, and we recognize that people help us accomplish that mission, so creating a work environment that encourages strong personal lives as well as strong work ethic is at the heart of our people management.


The Legacy I Would Like To Leave | I would love to leave a legacy of being a strong, feisty, deeply loving, loyal and faithful person that did my very best to live like Jesus and love people.

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The Legacy Project

Trevor Mclean-Anderson is Founder & CEO of Axis House, a billion Rand turnover multinational business servicing mines with a range of highly specialised proprietary chemical products. My Definition Of Success | In the beginning, success meant the accumulation of wealth or the accumulation of recognition in one’s chosen industry. I was very lucky that early on […]

The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

Stephen Greene is the CEO of the international pro-social media company Rockcorps. As head of RockCorps, he has overseen the production of over 40 volunteer-exclusive concerts worldwide, featuring music artists such as Lady Gaga, Diddy and Rihanna. In 2012 the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, appointed Greene as Executive Chairman of the independent management body […]

The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

Debbie Millman – TLP is an American writer, educator, artist, and designer who is perhaps best known as the host of the Design Observer podcast ‘Design Matters’. She is ‘President of Design’ at Sterling Brands, based in New York City, working with brands such as Pepsi, Gillette, Colgate, Kimberly-Clark, Nestlé, and Campbells. She chairs the […]

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