Willis Raburu


Willis Raburu is one of Citizen TV’s fast rising journalists, based in Nairobi Kenya. A distinctive and versatile TV journalist, he brings a weekly segment on Citizen TV dubbed “TruthMeter” part of Citizen TV’s weekly new prime-time line-up of programming.

My Definition Of Success | Success to me used to mean a good house, a good car and money in the bank. That was then, now success to me is a making a difference in someone’s life. It’s a balance between time, money and family.

I Am Driven By | Passion. My desire for excellence and to always to better that the previous victory and/or success.

My Highlights | I think I was proud when I had the opportunity to report from the battlefront of Somalia when our Kenya Defense Forces where battling the Alshabab and it was a time when I was really afraid yet patriotic, I knew I had to tell story, I knew that it had to have a human face. I had to rise to the occasion. To have been embedded for more than 30 days and to come out alive, gives me great pride.

The Difference Between Good And Great | The difference is excellence. People who are good at what they do barely get by, people who are great at what they do, go the extra mile, and inject excellence and passion in what they do.

A Key Talent | A major strength of mine I think is my resilience and you need that wherever you are. In the media you need a thick skin, people don’t come easy. I work from 9 am to 9pm to get 3 minutes of prime time news and I am not the only one. We have several other reporters, as well. It was and probably still is not as easy to get there. You get turned down, you get a lot of heartbreak you don’t spend enough time with your family, but there is resilience. There is a never say die mentality that has to be embedded in you to make it. You have to work and work again. My advice to readers, be passionate and be resilient you have only two options “to make it, or make it”

Principles I Live By | 1. Value yourself, never settle for second best. 2. Have passion, it is the only thing that will keep waking you up in the morning. 3. Have fun.

How I Use My Mind | I have a ‘can do’ mentality. I never look at something and say what it doesn’t work? I ask what if it does! That is the ultimate mindset.

Lessons I Have Learnt | I have learned one vital lesson which is my mantra, two actually. First, happiness is a choice so I choose it. Secondly, successful people look like you (I tell that to myself when I look in the mirror)

Dealing With Doubt | I remember when I wanted to be an anchor and I was so scared, yet I knew I could do it. I had always dreamt of reading the news, and I when no opportunity was creating itself. So I decided to create the opportunity and prepare for it. I would sit and watch anchors read news, Google, do screen tests get advice from people but still I was afraid to come and tell my boss I think I can do it. Well, I mastered the courage and decided to do a screen test and finally my boss loved it. I thought I could do it, everything said I couldn’t do it, no anchors where being hired, but I did it and I love doing it.  No matter what you fear, rise up and do it. Sometimes we have to create the opportunity.

My Future Dreams And Ambitions | I want to make a difference in peoples life. I want people to celebrate the fact that I was born, I want to make a mark that cannot be erased.

Advice On Building Wealth | Do not despise humble beginnings, start out and do what you want to do and what you love and explore your gift. Money follows the gift.

I Am Inspired By | My father, who taught me and instilled in me an amazing work ethic.

The Legacy I Would Like To Leave | I would like to be remembered as one who was a people’s person, a leader who sacrificed, and a comrade who cared.

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