Other End of the Telescope

Course Details

  • Cost: $35
  • Type: Once Off
About Course

Having been there, done that, Ian Russell, wrote the bestselling, down to earth, business book: The Other End of the Telescope. retired from mainstream corporate life in 2018.

In the book, Ian shines an irreverent but hard-hitting spotlight on the absurdities of getting things done in large business, examines the loneliness and tough realities of leadership and seeks to understand why we make our lives so difficult at work.

In this thought-provoking course, Ian Russell draws from more than 25 years’ experience of leading – as well as working – in large organisations around the world so that he can distil the key themes and challenges that confront big business today.

Other End of the Telescope

The course tackles fundamental topics such as:

  • Organisational cholesterol
  • The loneliness of leadership
  • Human capital strategy failures
  • Performance-destroying ‘head offices’.

As well as The ‘myths’ of talent scarcity and the so-called Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Each module of this course pairs a profound understanding of the real world and lessons which are learned the hard way together with prevailing and practical insights on how big business can alter the way in which it does what it does.

Other End of the Telescope
The contributions from other noteworthy thought leaders – such as Valter Adão, Richard Mulholland, Happy Ntshingila and Rapelang Rabana – contribute unique voices as well as insights to Ian’s vibrant and straightforward views that are expressed in this course.

These two thought patterns are exactly what is required to jolt companies as well as their leaders into doing things more successfully in addition to thoughtfully.

The lightness with which Ian writes this course makes it highly readable. However, his tone does not dilute the impact of his keen observations and insights.

Passionate, irreverent as well as challenging, The Other End of the Telescope author-led course will make you think deeply about your business and your career, as well as your role in both.

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Ian Russell is currently an independent, freelance business advisor, speaker and professional non-executive director.

Ian’s most recent corporate role was as CEO of BCX, Africa’s largest technology company, with a turnover of $2bn and a workforce of 10,000.

Having been there, done that, Ian retired from mainstream corporate life and wrote the bestselling business book: The Other End of the Telescope.


During 2019, Ian addressed well over 10,000 people in Europe, Asia, and Africa on topics from the book, such as “Fuzzy Logic”, “Organisational Cholesterol: Silent Killer”,


“The Past is a Foreign Country: they do things differently there” and” Fighting Fire with Fire: the Untold Fintech Story”.


Ian has shared the stage with the likes of Dion Chang, Malcolm Gladwell, will.I.am, Richard Mulholland, Rapelang Rabana, John Sanei, Mark Sham, Scott Synder, and Bronwyn Williams and revels in the multi-faceted aspects of on-stage, live debate.

Learning Points

If you want to find out how to change the metabolic rate and success of your business then The Other End of the Telescope author-led course is for you.

  • How to ensure long-term success for CEOs
  • Why organisations make decisions using fuzzy logic
  • Why business needs to look forward and not backwards
  • Why organisational cholesterol is a key factor in business failure
  • Why the environmental stimuli in our working life, among others, has a significant impact on who we become
  • Why the greatest threat to your future success is confidence and certainty
  • What role a building plays in reinforcing employee hierarchy and control
  • What the root causes are of the challenges organisations experience in getting things done
  • Why there is a disconnect between what the CEO says and the people-based outcome
  • Why the failure to progress towards the digitalisation of economies will have a far greater and negative impact on jobs.

  • Complete book content
  • Accredited CPD certificate
  • 19 Author video lectures
  • 19 Modules
  • 205 Lessons
  • 19 Quizzes
  • Progress tracking
  • Author signed certificate
  • 9 CPD Points

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