What is #NoMatterWhat?

  • Denver, Colorado, United States

Author:  Sterling Hawkins

Short Description

#NoMatterWhat is a system to get results regardless of outside circumstances. A set of 5 practices to create transformational growth for people, organizations and companies. The world is more uncertain and more unpredictable than ever. We have a pandemic, civil unrest, tech disruption, misinformation and still brutal competition and more customer, community and family demands […]

#NoMatterWhat is a system to get results regardless of outside circumstances.
A set of 5 practices to create transformational growth for people, organizations and companies.
The world is more uncertain and more unpredictable than ever. We have a pandemic, civil unrest, tech disruption, misinformation and still brutal competition and more customer, community and family demands than ever.

#NoMatterWhat is for:


  • Community leaders that stand for making a difference
  • Business leaders committed to growth
  • Entrepreneurs that want to scale exponentially
  • Founders that have been stuck for years without much progress
  • Small business owners looking to take things up a notch
  • Executives wanting to transform performance
  • People who have always dreamed of having their own business…

But fall short…each time they stretch for more they are defeated by setbacks, roadblocks and problems. And it’s all too easy, especially these days, to just let trying to survive  become the major goal. Unchecked, morale spirals down, sales diminish, progress slows and ultimately, it may  be the end of a company or career.

Those that embrace the #NoMatterWhat system start to have their big dreams line up with their results as the undeniable truth sets in: from some of the harshest conditions, we can realize some of the greatest results.

What is #NoMatterWhat?

#NoMatterWhat isn’t about teaching you something new; there are no new results from knowledge alone. Breakthrough results regardless of circumstances only come by developing you and your core skills to operate effectively and dependably inside any chaos the world brings. If knowledge was enough, you would have learned how already…

#NoMatterWhat is how great leaders:

  • Get breakout (breakthrough?) results in the most unlikely of situations
  • Attract top talent and build world-class teams
  • Transform revenue growth
  • Build powerful brands and companies

Everyone who gets breakout results uses this system, whether they know it or not. If you use all these systems, you will produce transformational results in your own life — thousands of years of history prove it. And the best news… all of these are practices you can  learn and everybody can do it (BUT, nobody is born with it. It’s a skill to learn, work at and develop).

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The articles, video and images embedded on these pages are from various speakers and talent.

These remain the property of its owner and are not affiliated with or endorsed by WeSpeak Global.

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