Home Working

Course Details

  • Cost: $497
  • Type: Once Off
About Course

All The Sales Tools You Need To Enable You To be Home Working.

Discover the H-O-M-E Success Formula and how to work from home effectively so you can keep selling, connecting, prospecting and Hitting Targets.

Home Working

The course has 123 videos, 8 EBooks, LinkedIn Templates and Scripts and Headline Creating Software.

You can’t sell a Porsche if you cycle to work – Getting the Sale

We have seen huge changes in the sales process over the years. It started with relationship selling, then moved on to solution selling. Following this was process selling…. but the internet changed all that and Covid with Home Working.

Now the buyer is in control, they rarely have time for relationships, already know our product, services and costs, so don’t need us to give them a solution. They also shy away from process step by step selling as they already know what they need, when they need it and where they can find it.

If we are still using sales methods of 15 years ago, we will be missing many opportunities.

Organization’s now have three sales forces:
The traditional sales force – they need to be versed in new sales techniques, understanding the psychology of buying (rather than selling) and moving from left brain to right brain sales strategies. They also need to be well versed with the latest opportunities of finding clients, including LinkedIn, Advanced Google searches and Twilert.

Contact Us at WeSpeak Global and follow us on Twitter.

Learning Points

This course will equip you with the tools and resources to keep selling while working from home. It will remind you of the 10 essential habits  required on a daily basis to work efficiently and effectively.


The main benefits are that you will continue to work and sell effectively, stay in contact with key clients and have the time to prospect for new clients.


It will also give you tools that you can use in future to sell from anywhere, to anyone, no matter where they are.

  • Develop the 10 proven habits that will make you effective and efficient when working from home
  • Pinpoint your ideal client and learn how to find them using Boolean and Advanced LinkedIn Searches
  • Connect with them through LinkedIn and establish your credibility through effective posts and articles
  • Understand how to optimize your LinkedIn profile and attract the ideal prospects
  • Learn how to use video to demonstrate, connect, present and sell from the comfort of your home
  • Understand the 3 elements that go into a successful video testimonial and use a no cost tool to get endless testimonials from your loyal clients
  • Establish yourself as the ‘go to’ person in your industry using the power of article marketing and blogging
  • Write powerful and effective articles with little or no experience
  • Develop your 10 touch plan to keep connected with clients even through these tough times
  • Use the resources and tools provided in the program to keep you selling and hitting targets
  • Establish yourself as the total professional sales person with your clients by using the most effective and professional  tools available

  • Video Resources
    Over $1,000 in Video resources that will help you in Sales
  • Amazing Content
    143 Videos, 8 eBooks, LinkedIn scripts and Headline Creator Software


No, the program will show you in simple terms how to do everything effectively.

The content makes use of low cost/no cost resources.

The 143 page Book lists all the equipment and the best places to source it.

Working from home brings a new set of challenges, but the course is designed to help you be just as available to clients, albeit from home.

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WeSpeak Global provides costs that are accurate at time of publishing.

These remain the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by WeSpeak Global.

Course Fees listed on this website are intended to serve as a guideline only.

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1902 Wright Place, Carlsbad, CA, 92008