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ROBERT SICILIANO CSP, is a #1 Best Selling author of 5 books, CEO and the architect of the CSI Protection certification; a Cyber Social and Identity Protection security awareness training program.
Robert is a security expert and private investigator fiercely committed to informing, educating and empowering people so they can protect themselves and their loved ones from violence and crime in their everyday lives, both in their physical and virtual interactions.
Robert Siciliano is accessible, professional, and ready to weigh in and comment with down-to-earth insights at a moment’s notice on breaking news that affects us all.
He has worked with such companies as ExxonMobil, Intel, McAfee, MasterCard, Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, KPMG, MIT, Transamerica and UPS, and almost every major media outlet has turned to him for information on identity theft, internet safety, crime prevention, and security.
Robert Siciliano has been featured on the Dr Oz Show, Anderson Cooper, John Stossel, CNN, Fox News, Inside Edition, EXTRA, Tyra Banks, Sally Jessie, Montel, Maury, Howard Stern, CNBC, MSNBC, ABC World News Tonight, NBC Nightline, CBS Early Show, Today Show, Good Morning America and in the NY Times, Wall Street Journal, TIME Magazine, Fortune, Forbes, Entrepreneur and many more.
Robert Siciliano personal mission is to inform, educate and empower people so they can protect themselves and their loved ones from violence and crime in their everyday lives, both in their physical and virtual interactions.
Every week, Robert Siciliano inevitably hears from a distressed financial advisor who has to rescue a client whose accounts have been compromised. The fact is, your moneyed clients are big targets—and they aren’t necessarily cyber savvy.
Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, YELP and LinkedIn are popular social networking sites in both the personal and professional lives of business leaders and their employees. However, the risks we face from sharing too much information are substantial—from personal security to damaged reputations to significant business liabilities that put all operations in jeopardy.
In a high-tech, information-based economy, everything we do as a business is recorded and tracked or stolen by someone—whether by your competition, criminal hackers, or a domestic or foreign authority. Once extricated from your hands, the bad guys exploit your valuable information to their advantage or use it against you.
Every few seconds, someone has his or her identity stolen. Computers are hacked, wallets are stolen, credit cards are compromised, credit is ruined…and the instigators make more in a day than most of us make in a year. The fact is, the system we function under is set up to fail—and unless consumers know their options, it’s just a matter of time before they are victimized themselves knows Robert Siciliano.
Every few seconds, someone’s identity is stolen because data is breached, computers are hacked, credit cards are compromised—and often, as a result, reputations are ruined. When this happens, fingers point at IT, other employees or problem clients.
There’s a new face of organized crime: Dumpster divers, criminal hackers, database attackers, carders and mules are all part of organized criminal syndicates, and the work is not all done in a smoky backroom anymore—they work out of cheap hotel rooms and mahogany-paneled corporate offices believes Robert Siciliano.
It’s not just law enforcement professionals and first responders—ordinary men, women and children face risk every day according to Robert Siciliano. Consider real estate agents, auto-show presenters, nurses, and many other professionals who interact with strangers—and are often unprepared for an attack by known and unknown assailants.
Did you know mortgage and real estate fraud is one of the most profitable of all organized criminal acts? With buyers, sellers, mortgage brokers, banks, appraisers, housing inspectors and real estate agents in the mix, a combination of just a couple of these parties working together to “fudge and flip” a transaction can result in hundreds of thousands of dollars lost to myriad innocent parties—and once the fraud is discovered, the finger-pointing begins.
“If you see something, say something” is a familiar refrain on public transportation and at sporting events, but it doesn’t work without open, proactive, security-conscious minds to go with open eyes and open mouths. Every school shooting and workplace shooting—could have been prevented with crowdsourced awareness.
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Renowned as the spy catcher who took down the most notorious traitor in U.S. espionage history, Eric O’Neill is a former FBI counterterrorism and counterintelligence operative and authority on all aspects of cybersecurity. His story became the Hollywood thriller, Breach, starring Ryan Phillipe as O’Neill, his own bestselling book, Gray Day, and now, motivational keynotes […]
Robert J. Rebhan is a nationally renowned expert and speaker on identity theft and financial crimes, and a former Detective Sergeant with the Los Angeles Police Department. During his exciting career with the LAPD, he served in many high profile assignments including the SWAT Team, Hollywood’s Narcotics, Robbery, Homicide, and Vice Squads. As a detective, […]
Maj Gen (Retired) Brett Williams is a distinguished and decorated military leader with extensive private sector business experience and perspective. Brett’s extensive experience inside and outside of the government make him the perfect keynote speaker for any audience. Brett Williams always starts with leadership and the role it plays in managing cyber risk. From there, […]
Ronald Eddings is a Silicon Valley based cybersecurity expert, blogger and digital nomad whose ingenuity, dedication, and ambition have earned him a reputation as a trusted industry leader. Over the course of his career, he has garnered extensive experience, working at various fortune 500 companies and mentoring a multitude of fellow professionals along the way. […]
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