Tracey Gilmore


Empower, impact and independence are three significant words to Tracey Gilmore. Formerly the co-founder of Dress 2 Impress, a non profit organisation that helps low income and unemployed women prepare to enter the workplace, Tracey joined up with Tracey Chambers and together they founded The Clothing Bank. Today, the work of this generous spirit enables other women to not only learn the craft of entrepreneurship, but also to grow in self esteem and confidence. As one of South Africa’s gems, paving a positive way forward, Tracey also shares generously about her warm self here:

About Tracey Gilmore, Life Mission | My life’s mission is to participate fully, be present and available to help South Africa build an inclusive society that encourages equal access to opportunities and financial freedom for all.

My Definition Of Success | To feel and be empowered enough to make life choices. The biggest choice being our attitude to life and those around us. Victor Frankl put it so eloquently in his book Man’s Search for Meaning when he said “Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way.”

I Am Driven By | Creative simple innovative solutions that provide real income generating opportunities for people who would otherwise continue to be left behind. Witnessing sustainable transformation. There is nothing more energizing than seeing people who were once filled with a sense of self-doubt cautiously approach opportunities and trustingly pick up the tools of support offered to them. Once they embrace the hard work that it takes to facilitate real change they turn their lives into a wonderful sequence of choices.

My Highlights | Growing up in a bubble under apartheid disconnected us from each other and one of my biggest highlights has to include discovering the eclectic mix of colourful cultures and sub cultures within our rainbow nation. These learnings have reduced the spaces between.
Graduation day at The Clothing Bank presents a major highlight and it is a celebration of perseverance, achievement and triumph over hardship
Being a mother to three sons has to top the list as my life’s highlight, I love watching them become young men and begin to discover their life’s purpose.

The Magic in me Originates From | I have a deep tolerance for diversity so my sense of community is strong and I am able to look in the mirror and challenge my assumptions. I do not fear change as it is the only constant.

The Difference Between Good And Great | Knowing your why and understanding what makes you tick can turn your life’s work into something profound. Doing something you believe to be worthwhile and taking people on the journey with you is rewarding and leaves you with a deep sense of peaceful purpose.

A Key Talent | I am steady and a good listener I can adapt to and embrace most situations with an open mind. I am curious and I consciously try not to judge people because we do not know what challenges each one of us is facing.

Principles, Values and Ideologies I Live By | Treating people with dignity and respect is at the core of my value system. If we do unto others as we would have them do unto us, the world would be a much better place.

Lessons I Have Learnt | Over the past seven years my journey with The Clothing Bank has taught me more lessons than I ever could have imagined: most importantly that opinions are not facts, assumptions are dangerous, there is power in work to change lives and that we are ultimately, with the best intentions in the world, not in control. Life happens to every one of us.

Dealing With Doubt | When I feel self-doubt creeping in I consciously try to remain open and in the moment and if that doesn’t work I practice self-talk and reflect on positive past experiences that made me feel comforted and secure. It is these feelings that help brace my vulnerabilities.

Resources I Use To Stay Inspired | The internet is an incredible tool and a close ally of mine. I spend (too much) time randomly searching for new ideas and innovative concepts to inspire me. It is also important to make time to spend with likeminded people in deep meaningful conversations. Watching documentaries on various subjects also keeps me curious and wanting to learn more.

My Future Dreams and Ambitions | My dream for South Africa is for us as a nation to buy into a shared, clearly developed and strategically created vision for our future. There is so little time and so much to do.As an organisation we will actively and consistently seek to develop income-generating opportunities for under resourced South African’s.

The Best Advice I’ve Received | Understand your strengths and manage your weaknesses

Advice On Building Wealth | The topic of wealth in my opinion is subjective and our attitude towards it is often a result of our childhood experiences. We all have a personal, dualistic relationship with money – part healthy and part not. I believe it is the measure between the two that determines if or how we choose to build wealth. I am not an authority on the subject, building wealth is not something that has played a motivating role in my life. I ultimately believe there is enough to go around and extra to be shared.

I Am Inspired By | By people who have overcome adversity, people who manage to walk alongside their seemingly surmountable challenges and not be consumed by them.

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The Legacy Project

Trevor Mclean-Anderson is Founder & CEO of Axis House, a billion Rand turnover multinational business servicing mines with a range of highly specialised proprietary chemical products. My Definition Of Success | In the beginning, success meant the accumulation of wealth or the accumulation of recognition in one’s chosen industry. I was very lucky that early on […]

The Legacy Project

As a graduate social entrepreneur from TSiBA Education, founder director of a social enterprise – Nebula, I possess a variety of skills and 5 years’ experience in facilitation, coaching and organisational development. Combined with a deep-seated passion for social change, I thrive on working with like-minded individuals who are committed to personal growth and creating […]

The Legacy Project

Ajen Sita is the CEO of Ernst & Young Africa. Ajen joined the firm in 1993 focusing on entrepreneurial growth companies. He became a partner in 1999 and was appointed head of the entrepreneurial services division in 2001. Sita is the E&Y’s South African head of audit and chairman of the South Africa’s Thuthuka Education […]

The Legacy Project

With more than 10 years experience in the physiotherapy, hospital and medical field, Hayley Warren is a business and profit focused executive recognised as a technology pioneer in the evolution and implementation of specialised medical technology. Working from start-up phase through domestic and international market penetration, Hayley has secured a reputation for her ability to […]

The Legacy Project

Braam Hanekom is the founder and chairman of People Against Suffering, Suppression, Oppression and Poverty (PASSOP), which works for refugee rights. He was named one of Mail & Guardian‘s 200 Young South Africans. Braam has also been published in the University of Pennsylvania Law School Journal and was awarded the 2008 Inyathelo award for youth […]

The Legacy Project

Stephen Greene is the CEO of the international pro-social media company Rockcorps. As head of RockCorps, he has overseen the production of over 40 volunteer-exclusive concerts worldwide, featuring music artists such as Lady Gaga, Diddy and Rihanna. In 2012 the British Prime Minister, David Cameron, appointed Greene as Executive Chairman of the independent management body […]

The Legacy Project

Orrin Woodward TLP has co-founded two multi-million dollar leadership companies and serves as the Chairman of the Board of The Life Leadership. He has a B.S. degree from GMI-EMI (now Kettering University) in Manufacturing Systems Engineering. In addition, he attended University Of Michigan’s prestigious MBA program, completing half of the requirements for his MBA, before […]

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The Legacy Project

Debbie Millman – TLP is an American writer, educator, artist, and designer who is perhaps best known as the host of the Design Observer podcast ‘Design Matters’. She is ‘President of Design’ at Sterling Brands, based in New York City, working with brands such as Pepsi, Gillette, Colgate, Kimberly-Clark, Nestlé, and Campbells. She chairs the […]

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