Shashi Naidoo


Shashi Naidoo is a South African actress, television presenter and model best known for co-hosting the magazine show 20Something. She also co-hosted the nation-wide MTV VJ search. She has been a part of various South African soapies, and has partaken in a plethora of TV commercials. She is also the sole owner of model agency, Alushi Management and recently has become one of the founding members of Fashion with Feeling, the first major non profit organization in the fashion industry.

My Definition Of Success | For me success is a wholesome journey and the destination is the constant effort we make for self-actualization. When we are younger, we assume material gains are a measure of success, but time has taught me that the true measure of success is the people that you have around you. With a good support system from family and friends, you welcome any challenge and opportunity that is thrown at you.

What Drives Me | I have come to find drive in the many members of our society who are forgotten. As a brand ambassador for Cotlands,I have been privileged enough to be exposed to communities I would normally not known about.  I get to meet children who do not have much, but they never forget to smile, laugh and say thank you. Those are the people that motivate me to be my best self.

My Highlights | I have been blessed with many opportunities and experiences in my life, which are unforgettable and will always be etched in my memory. One of the highlights was the first time I met my puppy Annie, she was that ray of sunshine during a dark time in my life. I am extremely proud of my agency Alushi Models, which started of with only five models and today we represent over four hundred models and characters.

The Difference Between good And Great | Being good at what you do, usually means you are comfortable with the satisfactory results and what is coming to you at that moment in time is enough. Being great is about being innovative and always making sure you are always better than your last moment of greatness. It all has to do with constant dedication and having your eye on the prize.

Principles I Live By | Always remember to say thank you, give praise where it’s due and don’t forget where you came from, because your foundations are what will build you into steady structure. Most importantly, hard work! Hard work! Hard Work!

Critical Skills | Most people don’t know this about me, but I can be quite shy when I am in a new setting. Developing people’s skills is very important, especially when you are in the entertainment industry. This industry requires the ability to network and let people know what you are about. It’s also important to find a balance without being overbearing.

Lessons I’ve learnt | I live by a Chinese proverb that says “ Live as if you are going to die tomorrow, and learn as if you are going to live forever” every experience I’ve had, whether big or small; I make sure that it counts and I take something away from it.

Resources I Use | I can honesty say My Dad has been one of the greatest tools for my growth. Whenever I am facing a challenge, he is one of the first people I turn to. I have also been lucky to have friends which have watched me grow from the beginning of my career, like my dad, they have been that rudder that constantly steers me into the right direction.

My Dreams | One of the big motivations for me to be involved with Cotlands is my passion for children. I would really love to have children one day. There is something about children that just heals the soul.

The Meaning Of Life | Life is a celebration, sometimes there are fireworks, balloons, sunshine and colour. There are times when it’s all dark and gloomy. But you should never forget that’s it’s a celebration and have fun with everything that you do.

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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