Matthew Waldman


Matthew Waldman is a New York based artist and designer most prominently known for creating NOOKA Inc. a lab dedicated to exploring universal communication via form, language and fashion.

My Definition Of Success | I have a fairly traditional view of success, one based on esteem and stature in one’s field or based on one’s work being validated financially. In this sense, and in the context of living in NYC, my success is elusive.

I Am Driven By | The promise of a more utopian world, one without geopolitical borders, without racism and hate is the goal that drives me to do all that i do.

My Highlights | Seeing former students and people I have mentored go on to do great things or work for great organizations and companies is incredibly fulfilling and validating. Having my work in the Greenwich museum collection as well as the Japanese industrial design association permanent collection were both high points to me.

The Difference Between good And Great | People who are good at what they do produce work that meets expectations. People who are great at what they do exceeds expectations or create new experiences and reactions.

A Key Talent | PERSEVERANCE and PASSION! You must believe in what you are doing enough to be your own advocate, to motivate yourself and to quite simply, get things done no matter what the obstacle or delay. This is not to say one should be insane to the point of obsession, but seeing a detour as a new road to learn more will help in growth while pursuing a dream.

Principles I Live By | learn from everyone and everything. You must respect everyone you meet and be open to learning from them. You can learn a lot from bad people – One learns how not to behave for example. So try everything, eat new foods, listen to strange experimental music, go to art shows, do not dismiss people and experiences – learn from everything and you’ll never be bored.

Dealing With Doubt | If you don’t have self doubt, how can you improve?

Resources I Use To Stay Inspired | I recommend reading these 3 books:
1. Outliers, stories of success by Malcolm Gladwell.
2. Hyperspace by Michio Kaku.
3. Teach us to overcome our madness by kenzaburooe.

My Future Dreams And Ambitions | I would like to have the resources to work on a synthetic world language to accomplish what Esperanto failed to do, unify the planet in a productive monoculture that cooperates for the health and advancement of the planet. Of course, I tell this story and share this message subliminally via my design projects, and there are many of those yet to be realized/produced.

The Meaning Of Life | The meaning of life is to appreciate and strive for oneness with the universe. This should translate to a respect for everything animate and inanimate, to view everything with intelligence.

The Best Advice I’ve Received | Many years ago when i was in my late 20s, i was given this advice from my friend Michael: “misery is easy, happiness is hard work” this is a very Buddhist concept often misinterpreted but it has an immense practical application. You see, if one wakes up in a bad mood, that mood will remain all on its own. in order to return to a happy state, one must actually decide to do things that make you happy – it requires some work, like reminding yourself that bicycle riding makes you happy and then going out for a ride. So if one takes adult responsibility for their life, they must also take responsibility to create one’s happiness. This advice has helped me out of more depressions than any psychologist I’ve seen!

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The Legacy Project

Warren Moss is a founder and CEO of Demographica, South Africa’s most progressive data driven direct marketing agency. Warren and his company Demographica, have been recognized by winning some major business awards including multiple Assegai and Bookmarks Awards as well as multiple awards from the African Access Business Awards. 

 He was also presented with […]

The Legacy Project

Mark graduated with a BCompt degree from UNISA in 1993. After some years as a commodities trader, he decided to pursue a goal of becoming an entrepreneur, which skill and strength he has applied over the past several years in spearheading Blue Label’s impressive organic and acquisitive growth and international expansion. Together with his brother […]

The Legacy Project

Richard Cohen is founder and CEO of music media and digital rights company, LoveLive. Founded in 2008, LoveLive brings together brands, broadcasters, digital platforms and labels; combining unique access to music rights with digital and marketing capability to create, monetise and distribute premium music content, and deliver high-impact campaigns across a variety of channels. LoveLive […]

  • United Kingdom
The Legacy Project

Alasdair Harris is a marine ecologist with an unhealthy obsession for corals and has spent the past decade developing conservation initiatives in the Indian Ocean. Alasdair is recipient of the IUCN World Conservation Union’s Young Conservationists Award, winner of the Conde Nast Environment Award, an Ashoka Fellow, and a passionate ambassador of Australia’s penguins. His […]

The Legacy Project

Alison Killing | The Legacy Project became an architect because she likes making things. She read architecture at King’s College, Cambridge and Oxford Brookes and on graduating was shortlisted for the RIBA Silver Medal. She then went to work for a number of international design offices, including Buro Happold and Kees Christiaanse, on architecture, public […]

  • United Kingdom
  • Keynote Speaker
Angela Franklin

Passionate about international education and providing diverse academic options to committed learners, Angela Franklin (a native of Cincinnati, Oh) has worked in West Africa and the United Arab Emirates in the development and implementation of several international branch campuses. Franklin has extensive professional experience working with international partners to develop collaborative programs. As the Director […]

  • Senegal
  • Humanitarian
The Legacy Project

Ron Edmondson is a pastor and church leader passionate about planting churches, helping established churches thrive, and assisting pastors and those in ministry think through leadership, strategy and life. Ron has over 20 years business experience, mostly as a self-employed business owner, and he’s been helping church grow vocationally for over 10 years. Ron Edmondson […]

The Legacy Project

Aspen Heights began with the vision to have the best product for students. We looked across a landscape of mostly aging apartment communities and wanted to “Revolutionize Student Living.” We actually listened to students and turned that feedback into communities they love. As we’ve grown, our neighborhoods continue to change and improve, but people have […]

The profiles and images embedded on these pages are from various interviews conducted by The Legacy Project.

These remain the property of its owner and are not affiliated with or endorsed by WeSpeak Global.

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