Kristina Dryža


Kristina Dryža is an international trend forecaster, writer and author of the allegorical novel, Grace and the Wind. Of Lithuanian origin she was raised in Adelaide, Australia and moved overseas in 1999. For the past 13 years Kristina has been based between London, New York, Tokyo and Hawaii while travelling the world gaining insight into emerging social, cultural and consumer trends for top international companies.

My Definition Of Success | Success requires energy. To me this means aligning – not fighting – the rhythms of life so we can navigate the journey with less struggle and more grace. Trusting that nature knows what she’s doing has led me – over the years – to also trust my own rhythms and cycles. Nature’s intelligence has become my intelligence.

I Am Driven By | Teaching people to rediscover the ancient wisdom encoded in nature’s rhythms, whilst also reminding them that there’s no self to improve, only our true nature to express.

The Difference Between Good And Great | The people who are brilliant are those that exist ‘in’ time – the present moment – where all true power exists.

A Key Talent | You can’t truly create if you’re not in touch with the stillness within. Silence is the pathway to greater creativity; so first remove the non-essential so the essential may speak. Then live and act within the nature of all things. Joy arises from this state of consciousness, which allows you to prosper.

The Characteristics Of Success | The states of acceptance and presence, the ‘actions’ of effortlessness and flow, the habit of reflection to inspire appropriate pacing and phasing, and the behaviours of congruency and alignment.

Principles I Live By | Soul connection & contribution; Rhythm & nature; Presence & grace; Fun & well-being; Passion & creativity; Beauty & elegance.

How I Use My Mind | By embracing rhythm as fundamental to physical, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being, I no longer resist the natural flow of life, which gives me confidence in timing i.e. when to move forward and when to retreat.

Lessons I Have Learnt | That grace is a way of moving through this world – a nobility of being – and to be true to my own nature and express that essence in my style of living.

Performing At My Peak | By asking the present moment what it requires of me.

Interview Questions

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The Legacy Project

Severine Autesserre is an Associate Professor of Political Science, specializing in international relations and African studies, at Barnard College, Columbia University (USA). Severine traces civil war and endemic violence to its roots, and its resolution, in local and interpersonal conflicts. Severine Autesserre is Driven By | I am driven by a visceral hatred of violence […]

The Legacy Project

After an executive sales and strategy role for a large information technology company based in Germany, Brian returned to South Africa and founded TowerStone, driven by his desire to inspire others to seek greater meaning in their lives and help them to purposefully live a life that is fulfilling and meaningful, filled with love at […]

The Legacy Project

Alex Seropian made his name as one of the founders of Bungie, the developers of Halo (the most successful box games of all time with $4 billion in revenue and more than 50 million games sold). Alex recently founded Industrial Toys a company focused on revolutionizing mobile games for core gamers and who are very […]

The Legacy Project

Götz was born in Berlin and has since built businesses all the way to Africa, making him a truly well-traveled EVENTrepreneur. From advanced business planning, consulting, project management and implementation, he has been involved at all levels, of all kinds of business, with all kinds of people (from whom he always inspires the best). He […]

The Legacy Project

Exploring the online realm via his areas of interest namely wine and education, Sam Paddock has developed Get Smarter with his brother Rob Paddock. Aiming to improve lives through better education, the brothers lead a dynamic team showing groundbreaking results. As a key note speaker, Sam also educates via his personal blog and here, shares […]

The Legacy Project

“Our children are the rock on which our future will be built, our greatest asset as a nation. They will be the leaders of our country, the creators of our national wealth who care for and protect our people.” – Nelson Mandela via SOS Children’s Villages South Africa Steve Miller has an ability to communicate […]

The Legacy Project

Zainab Salbi | The Legacy Project is an Iraqi-American humanitarian, entrepreneur, author, and media commentator who has dedicated herself to women’s rights and freedom. At the age of 23, she founded Women for Women International—a grassroots humanitarian and development organization dedicated to serving women survivors of war. Under her leadership (1993-2011), Women for Women International […]

The Legacy Project

Michael Jordaan, Venture Capitalist and wine enthusiast stepped down as CEO of First National Bank, one of SA’s largest banks with a customer base of nearly nine million, in August 2013 to pursue his passion for entrepreneurship. With more than 20 years’ experience in the financial services sector and nearly a decade at the helm […]

The profiles and images embedded on these pages are from various interviews conducted by The Legacy Project.

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