Garth Walker


Garth Walker is the founder of design studio, Mr Walker. His interests lie in developing and encouraging a design language “rooted in the African experience” and it is this that he is best known for. Since 1995 and some 24 issues later, Walker has published Africa’s only experimental graphics magazine, i-jusi. He has been widely recognised with over 100 design awards, published in something like 80 magazines and books. He is represented in the collections of Museum of Modern Art, Biblioteque Nationale de France, Victoria & Albert Museum, The Smithsonian, and numerous university and academic collections worldwide.
Garth Walker

My Definition Of Success | Success is finding the balance between freedom to do what suits you, and what suits others

I Am Driven To | Find that balance (extremely difficult).

My Highlights | I’m still doing it after 35 years. Some of the work Ive done will outlive me. But I still feel I can do better (work).

The Difference Between good And Great | Knowing how hard it is – and not losing site of the fact that our business is mostly ‘opinion’ and not an exact science. Lastly to realize there are many others out there who are way better than yourself.

A Key Talent | Simple: 1. Commitment and hard work 2. Don’t be greedy (most are). You just have to keep going, keep believing what you do and how you do it, can make a difference. One thing Ive learned after all this time is ‘its all cycles’. Good times. Bad times. You have to find a way to survive the cycles. To do that you need to refer to number 4 above – and ‘just plod along’. Too many give up along the way.

Resources I Use To Stay Inspired | The streets and townships of South Africa. And the creativity of ordinary South Africans. We are the most creative nation on earth (but few – and certainly not Government – seems to notice or care).

My Future Dreams And Ambitions | To keep doing what I do till I drop (literally). And to be around for my 3 daughters in reasonably fine fettle.

The Meaning Of Life | Everything one is told is a con. Its all bullshit. Find out for yourself (the hard way)

Advice On Building Wealth And Getting Rich | I have no interest in either, though a bit more cash would be nice. I work for many who have achieved this goal, and they are mostly horrid people.

Interview Questions

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The Legacy Project

Sterling Hawkins is out to break the status quo to create what’s actually possible for humanity in our time. He has spent his career igniting new views and inspiring people to act on them. He went on to be involved with the launch, growth or investment in over 50 companies. Today, Sterling reviews over 1,000 […]

Chris Bertish

Chris Bertish Legacy Project has a string of notable world firsts under his belt. He won the Mavericks Big Wave International surfing event in the biggest and heaviest waves ever recorded in the history of the sport. He also recently became the first person ever to cross any ocean on a SUP board, paddling 7500km’s […]

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  • Keynote Speaker
The Legacy Project

Oscar Monama is a director of Strategy and Marketing for I Am Emerge Pty Ltd which he co-owns. It is a creative agency that creates value for money through creative concepts, derived from observing trends in consumer living and society, while immersing clients brands within consumer’s daily life activities in order to effectively fulfill business […]

The Legacy Project

Fred is deeply passionate about Africa and believes that the missing ingredient on the continent is good leadership. In line with this, he has founded two organizations that aim to catalyze a new generation of ethical, entrepreneurial African leaders: African Leadership Academy and the African Leadership Network. In recognition of his work in developing Africa’s […]

The Legacy Project

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita is a political scientist specializing in international relations and foreign policy. He is a professor at New York University and senior fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover Institution. Bruce is a former Guggenheim Fellow and founded the company Mesquita & Roundell, which makes political forecasts. My Definition Of Success | In my case […]

The Legacy Project

Katie Spotz is an adventurer, acclaimed motivational speaker and a passionate safe water advocate. She became the youngest person to row solo across the Atlantic Ocean and was honoured as ‘Woman of the Year” in 2011 not only for her feat but for the inspiring example she sets to others. Katie Spotz Definition Of Success […]

The Legacy Project

Nicholas Rawhani first felt the urge to photograph everything around him on a family trip to India. Today, he shares the things that shock his senses on his photo blog, iamnixpix , which is a vehicle he uses to capture the beauty that surrounds him and communicate those indescribable emotions that he feels on a […]

The Legacy Project

Edward Mogano is a vibrant and talented young South African, that we’ve recently discovered, who seems to have his head firmly entrenched in helping prepare the youth of today for the solutions of tomorrow, as he blogs about creating awareness around the current paradigm-shift trends taking place throughout the world right now. About my Life […]

The profiles and images embedded on these pages are from various interviews conducted by The Legacy Project.

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