Andrew Barsa


Andrew Barsa is the creator of the financial wealth mindset program ‘The Inner Millionaire’.

Over the years, he has associated with some of the richest and the most challenged people in the world. His biggest question was, “Why do some people become wealthy, and others do not?”. Andrew quickly eliminated the usual reasons that most people give: family, background, connections, skill set, education and so on. None of these factors actually made a difference. Andrew met educated and gifted people who are barely making ends meet and at the same time he was baffled how uneducated and unfortunate became highly successful.

After a while, Andrew began to realise: most people actually have the amount of money they truly believe they are worth. “What it boils down to is this” he says.” Poverty is actually a state of mind. It’s the sum total of all the little stories we tell ourselves”. When he realised this, he began to listen to what people were saying about money and about their relationship to it.

My Definition Of Success | I believe success is in the eye of the beholder, however my personal definition is being happy and having a balanced life, meaning spending quality time with your family and friends and having the ability financially to do what you want, whenever you want.

The definition of success for me has evolved overtime initially in my early 20’s I measured success by the amount of money you have, i soon realized that money was only a portion to a balanced life.

I Am Driven By |

Personal growth
An eagerness to keep improving day by day
To be the best i can be,
I love challenges and how I can create something from nothing or take something and make it better.
Helping People
The Difference Between Good And Great | I believe greatness is developed from doing all the 1 percenters every day, people who are great have high standards and values.

A Key Talent | I would say one of strengths is the ability to connect with people, by understanding what drives them and why they do what they do. I have been able to transform thousands of lives globally by dramatically improving their finances and giving them an understanding of who they truly are.

It is very important to understand human behaviour and have the ability to connect with people in your social network, working environment or in the field of business, I believe people do business with people they like.

My advice would be, come from a place of value when you deal with people learn to listen and understand what they really need, i would encourage people to go and do courses in self-development and life skills for e.g. How to promote yourself, how to negotiate, how to deal with conflict or pressured situations.

Principles I Live By |

Do what you say
Believe in yourself
Provide value
Don’t dwell on the past
Celebrate success and failure
Be yourself
Keep an open mind
Dealing With Doubt | People have a perception that successful or wealthy people don’t have fears, let me make this clear we all do, the difference is  i don’t allow fear to paralyse me.

I actually use it as inspiration to make sure I conquer it. I remember the first time i was invited to speak on stage to over 5,000 people, let me tell you i had fear however I chose to focus on serving the people, I said to myself “there is 5,000 people who are wanting my help, go out there and serve them.”

I Am Inspired By | Everybody who achieves greatness inspires me. I actually love hearing stories of people who are not well-known that have come from absolutely nothing and created empires because it just shows where there is a will there is a way.

If you want to know specific people, that would be – My mum and dad, Anthony Robbins, Steve Jobs and JK Rowling

The Legacy I Would Like To Leave | A great husband, father, son, friend and I would love to be remembered as person who made a difference to people’s lives worldwide by allowing them to feel worthy of greatness

The Meaning Of Life | I believe life is a gift! I believe everybody is unique and has a gift and they must explore it.

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The Legacy Project

Dr. Prasad Kaipa,,Ph.D. serves as Director and Member of Advisory Board of Aankhen Inc. Dr. Kaipa served as a member of the Board of Directors of SeeCommerce, Director of the TIE Institute and managing director of Mithya Institute of Learning & Knowledge Architecture. Dr. Kaipa has developed algorithms that allow executives to map the “genetic […]

The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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  • South Africa
  • Keynote Speaker
The Legacy Project

I first spotted Seth Hulley surfing as a ‘grom’ in Umhlanga Rocks in the 80’s and even way back then it wasn’t hard to see that this young man was going to go all the way. He was everything a surfer needs to be: blond, tanned, strong, athletic, fun, bad-assed, uber-confident and competitive. You name […]

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