Eunice Cofie | The Legacy Project


Eunice was honored by the World Economic Forum as a Young Global Leader in 2012 for her professional accomplishments and commitment to society, as well as her potential to contribute to shaping the future of the world by providing inspiring leadership. Forbes named Eunice as one of the 20 Youngest Power Women in Africa. She was featured in the 2012 Tallahassee Community College Cherry Alexander African-American Calendar.

She was also awarded the 2012 Golden A.C.E. Award in Science and Technology. The Florida Commission on the Status of Women recognized Eunice with the prestigious 2011 Florida Achievement Award for her commitment to improving the lives of women and families in her community. In 2008, Eunice was named by the Tallahassee Democrat newspaper as one of the “25 Women You Need to Know in Tallahassee”.

Eunice has been featured in noteworthy publications such as the Forbes, Scientific American, Florida Trend Magazine, Tallahassee Magazine, South Florida Times, South Florida Gazette, The Florida Courier and Onyx Magazine and she has also appeared on CBS and ABC affiliates, and Ghana Television.

She currently serves on the board of directors for DGI Inspired Foundation and is a member of the Leadership Tallahassee Class 29

Eunice Cofie is Driven By | My passion is to help others live better lives by using my gifts and talents. I believe each person has a role to play in this world and it is integral to the success of humanity. I love seeing others succeed at living out their dreams.


My Highlights | I am most proud of stepping out on faith and pursuing my dream to create, Nuekie. Nuekie means a lot to me in terms of how I can help people of color in their health and beauty. I am also proud of becoming a Young Global Leader with the World Economic Forum and being honored by Forbes magazine as one of the 20 Young Power Women of Africa.


A Key Talent | One talent I have is ideation. I am very good at coming up with innovative ways of doing things. So much so, many of my friends call just to get ideas and feedback from me. I would advise your readers who want to learn come up with ideas to first be open to new ways of thinking, then break out of their normal routine of people they hang out with and meet new people, next I will say read, read, and read some more, and finally carve out time each day to be alone with yourself and your thoughts. Keep a pen and sticky notes around so that you can jot down any ideas or inspiration that comes to mind.


Principles I Live By | Values that I live by are to 1) Keep God First, 2.) Cherish my family, and 3.) Serve others through my knowledge and abilities.


Critical Skills I Develop | Time management is one of the most necessary skills to have in order to be successful. Time is something you can never get back and so you have to use it wisely. I am continuously working on being a better manager of my time. That means saying ‘No’ to the things that do not contribute to my success or meet my values. And also, saying ‘Yes’ to the hard tasks which are integral to building a world-class company.


Lessons I Have Learnt | One of the biggest lessons I have learned in my life’s journey is to not let fear paralyze me into inaction. It can be quite scary for one to jump out into entrepreneurship or to fulfill a dream. It really takes a lot of guts. But some people are so afraid of the unknown that they never move forward with any of their ideas. For me, it was a struggle to not be fearful of failure. I had to train my mind to believe otherwise and trust that I can successful at whatever I put my mind to. We have to realize that we have the power to do amazing exploits in this world. But all begins with letting go, feeling the fear, and doing it anyway.
Another lesson I learned was to listen to that still small voice within me. I call it the Holy Spirit. I have made it a practice to pray and meditate on the Bible daily so that I can clearly discern what the Holy Spirit is guiding me to do. The Holy Spirit never leads me astray.


Resources I Use To Stay Inspired | I love reading. It is my favorite hobby. This is where I am able to gain knowledge and at the same time distress. I keep my Bible on deck so that I refer to it on a daily basis. I love reading business books and biographies.
I also enjoy spending time with my friends. I enjoy laughing with them because it brings medicine to my soul! I also love to travel. I dream to travel to every country in Africa.


The Best Advice I’ve Received | The best advice I received was from a guest speaker who came to speak to my high school class about his occupation as a Secret Serviceman. In his talk h stated that “We should work hard while we are young so that we can live well when we are old.” This has stayed with me and motivates me to keep pressing forward.


Advice On Building Wealth | Wealth is a mindset. So I would advise someone to work on their thinking first in order to create wealth. Our thoughts manifest into things. So it is important to renew our minds to make better life choices.


I Am Inspired By | My role models are my parents and businesswomen like Madam CJ Walker and Janice Bryant Howroyd. Both of these women were able to build world-class companies with little to no money. They both have used or use their wealth to bring positive changes to their communities.


The Legacy I Would Like To Leave | The legacy that I would like to leave behind is that I inspired others to live out their life’s purpose.

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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