Alfredo Barsuglia


Alfredo Barsuglia is an Austrian artist. His most recent project is the Social Pool which is an eleven-by-five-feet wide pool in the Southern California desert, open for anybody to use.

Alfredo Barsuglia Definition Of Success | Basically I would say success is to be able to put your ideas into realization, but in general it’s difficult to describe and define success, especially your own success. I think it’s not proper if someone describes himself as successful, although he might look successfully from outside. Actually I’m not sure if I’m successful myself, I’m still struggling, I guess.

I Am Driven By | Pure interest.

My Highlights | I’m not proud of anything, although I’m not phlegmatic. I feel happy when I recall some situations in my life, but pride would be the wrong word. Probably it would be easier for me to list the incidences I’m surly not proud of. Being not proud of highlights helps me not to feel depressed of failures.

The Difference Between Good And Great | Intelligence.

A Key Talent | I have a pretty strong mind that helps me mentally and physically to put my ideas into realization and I’m aware of my own limits, boarders and failures.
I always worked in the field I was interest in. I never work for money only – it would have taken my ambitions in following my real passion.
And everything I do, I do very consciously, even when I do nothing, I’m conscious about doing nothing. Every detail in life is an experience that nobody can take from you and you might be able to use one or the other experience later in life. And I’m sure if you do everything consciously, you will never be bored again!

Principles I Live By | Everybody has to be taken seriously, whatever background he or she comes from. Treat each person equal. Treat them as you wished to be treated. Don’t be shy. Be patient with yourself and others. It happens that people come back on you in a different situation in the future. Never compare yourself with others, do what you believe in and follow one’s own path, without hurting anybody.

How I Use My Mind | Nothing of what most of us do is so important that the world would collapse if we fail: so I don’t take myself too serious – this helps to avoid the fear to put my ambitions into realization.

Lessons I Have Learnt | Reflect yourself, don’t put yourself under pressure and take the time you need.
If you have to meet a deadline, work as good as possible until the end, even though you might not be able to complete the whole work. It’s better to present a shortened high quality work instead of a completed but spoiled work.

Dealing With Doubt | Every time when I have produced a new work! – There are so many existing artworks in the world, that I often ask myself, who would need or is interested in another one. I conquer the doubt by recalling myself that I did what I did out my own interest, no matter what people would say. Give it a try! Be sure to have killed the doubt at the end.

Performing At My Peak | When you create thoughts, which you haven’t thought before: that is creativity, that is performing at your peak.

Resources I Use To Stay Inspired | Daily life with a high interest in contemporary art, worldwide.

The Best Advice I’ve Received | Reflect when you should talk and when it is better to listen; to be thankful and patient.

Advice On Building Wealth | Don’t hurt anyone while gaining money.

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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