Vinh Giang TLP

Communication Speaker


“Let me help you create an unforgettable experience at your conference.” As an experienced keynote speaker, Vinh Giang TLP knows that what transpires on stage is not about him.

It’s 100% about the audience. It’s about the life-changing lessons he’s been so fortunate to learn along the way and sharing them in a manner that transforms people.

That’s where magic happens. My family are refugees from Vietnam. They arrived in Australia in 1981, March 31st. My dad has always shared with me a simple concept – life is a miracle.

He used to tell me: “Son, do you know how ridiculous it is that you are alive? If your mother or I died in the war, you wouldn’t be here.

Vinh Giang TLP – The Legacy Project

If your grandparents didn’t meet, you wouldn’t be here. Heck, lets take it back 50,000 generations. If a cave man ate a poisonous fruit and died, that’s our entire bloodline vanished from this earth.. It took millions of years of serendipitous events for you to be here, and now that you are here, you are alive for 80 years on average.

When you compare how long it took for you to get here versus how long you are here for.. it’s like you are alive for 1 minute.

It’s a privilege to be alive. In this life of yours,remember to do what you love and jump as high as you can in life.

As long as Vinh Giang TLP is alive, he will forever be your net.”

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Interview Questions

Has your definition of it changed over the years and if so, why? | Success as a metric to me is days at home. This career path has made me financially successful but happiness poor.

Because the more successful I am as a speaker, the more I am away from my family. I’ve since updated how I measure success Success to me is being able to do what I want, with who I want. I love working on cool projects with cool people.

My family. My purpose; Helping people amplify the best parts of who they are with their instrument (their voice). Peak Experiences  

My ability to connect with others and my ability to play my instrument.

I want to help the invisible become visible.

Consistency, discipline and self-awareness.

Don’t always seek shortcuts, take the longer path and always work towards mastery. Mastery always wins the long game.

My ability to connect with others.

Getting up early. Being kind to myself. Exercising. Living below my means. Always looking for teachers/ mentors. Reading. Reflection.

Allowing myself to change my mind/ direction in life.

BBQ’ing haha  

Ah, this I have in a doc. I’ll screenshot it for you.

Communication skills Magic The ability to distill knowledge and simplify the complex Coaching & Teaching Humor (So gross saying this but humor has helped me a lot).  

Workaholic Get too obsessed about wealth creation which leads to the above. Trying to be the hero all the time. Fighting battles that are not mine to fight.  

I use a lot of mind maps. They help me think and see between the lines.

Work to live, don’t live to work.

Before I taught my first workshop. I was teaching a room full of 30 executives from all around the USA and they each paid me $3,000 each to be there. I felt imposter syndrome and it was terrible.

I felt so inadequate.

The solution to this was for me to prove to myself that I was worth it. I needed to prove to myself that I was a master of my craft, and I set the goal of being paid ,000 USD for a 1 hour keynote.

If I could do this, it meant my communication skills were up to scratch. By setting a conscious goal, and achieving it. I was able to overcome the feeling of inadequacy and I started to feel a lot more confident.

I realize for me. I need to continually be working towards mastery otherwise the feeling of inadequacy and the imposter syndrome creeps back into my life.

I love the Japanese Philosophy Kaizen (the relentless pursuit of perfection – while realizing it doesn’t exist).

People in my family getting sick and dying.  

I want to spend more of my time teaching my communication skills workshop.

Exercising 5/7 days a week. Sauna and Ice baths. Eating my wife’s amazing cooking and mums of course!

Too many to list. My goal is 1 chapter every 2 days. This helps me always feed my brain with new information on a weekly basis which keeps me feeling good. Growing your mind is such an important part of inspiration.

Yes, most definitely.

There’s nothing amazing about you. Don’t put yourself on the pedal stool, put the lessons that have made you who you are on the pedal stool. My mum lol she teaches me humility.

Without her, I’d be a massive wanker.

Growing up extremely poor, I am obsessed with wealth creation.

The person that inspires me most doesn’t even exist. It’s the teacher that Robin Williams plays in dead poet society – John Keating.

Yes, by living in alignment with my values (screenshot above). It took me years to define what my values were in my life.

When I am out of alignment, I am unhappy.

When I am in alignment – I feel amazing.

The trick is to keep in alignment and realize you will fall out of alignment and when you fall out of a alignment be kind to yourself and just get back in alignment again without being a dick to yourself.

Interview Date

  • 2020-06-24


  • Australia


Entertainer Profile

Vinh Giang

As an experienced keynote speaker, Vinh Giang Magician knows that what transpires on stage is not about him. It’s 100% about the audience. It’s about the life-changing lessons. “Let me help you create an unforgettable experience at your conference.” It’s about the life-changing lessons he’s been so fortunate to learn along the way and sharing […]

  • Sydney, NSW
  • Entertainers
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