Donna Rachelson


As an experienced branding and marketing specialist Donna Rachelson is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs and women. Donna is a guest lecturer at Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) having penned three books. With a wide frame of reference, being a mother and an adventurer, here she generously shares her thoughts with us:

Donna Rachelson, Definition Of Success | Doing what you love in a way that has an incredible impact on society.

I Am Driven By | Making a difference and unleashing people’s potential

My Highlights | Completing my BA Soc Work, Hons (Industrial) and MBA after being told I should go to a Technikon
Funding myself through University
Two firewalks
River-rafting the mighty Zambezi
Having two children
Writing and launching three books
The Difference Between Good and Great | Great is achieving your stretch goals

A Key Talent | Helping people realize their potential

The Characteristics Of Success | Positive outlook. Hard work. Resilience. Gratitude. Assertiveness.

Principles I Live By | Don’t sweat the small stuff. Live each day like it’s the last. Give it your best every time

Critical Skills I Develop | Empathy, negotiation, humility, flexibility, agility and resilience

How I Use My Mind | Continuous learning and challenging the status quo.

Lessons I Have Learnt | Business is a game invented by men – learn the rules and combine that with your strengths.
Don’t take it personally
When you want something – ask, don’t hint
Say it – it doesn’t have to be 100% right
Fake it till you are it.

Dealing With Doubt | Trust yourself

Performing At My Peak | Managing energy, not time

Resources I Use To Stay Inspired | My family, my team, my mentors and inspiring role models

My Future Dreams And Ambitions | Positively impact entrepreneurs and women across Africa

The Meaning Of Life | Live your purpose

The Best Advice I’ve Received | Protect your reputation, your name is everything

Advice On Building Wealth | Take risks and balance your portfolio

On Inspiring Others | Lead by example

I Am Inspired By | God’s magnificence

The Legacy I Would Like To Leave | To have lived a meaningful life that impacts people in a powerful and positive way

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The Legacy Project

Dr Sherylle Calder is a visual skills coach and guru. She is a sport scientist and performance coach, who is also known as “The Eye Lady”. Dr Calder has helped teams win 2 back-to-back Rugby World Cups amongst many other sporting trophies and her expertise in this field has long been recognised by the top […]

The Legacy Project

Ugwem Eneyo | The Legacy Project is Nigerian-American engineer, inventor and entrepreneur, currently serving as the co-founder and CEO of SHYFT Power Solutions (formerly known as Solstice Energy Solutions), a venture-backed, award-winning energy technology company. The company is a bi-product of her research as a former Stanford MS/PhD student in Civil & Environmental Engineering. Prior […]

The Legacy Project

Ron Edmondson is a pastor and church leader passionate about planting churches, helping established churches thrive, and assisting pastors and those in ministry think through leadership, strategy and life. Ron has over 20 years business experience, mostly as a self-employed business owner, and he’s been helping church grow vocationally for over 10 years. Ron Edmondson […]

The Legacy Project

Valarie Kaur is a national interfaith leader, documentary filmmaker, and lawyer who centers her work around the power of storytelling. She is the founder of Groundswell at Auburn Seminary, a non-profit initiative with 100,000 members that equips people of faith in social movements. Working with students and communities, she has made award-winning films and led […]

The Legacy Project

Her heart has answered the call to empower the next generation in Africa to learn to code. Camille Agon has been instrumental in co founding a French and South African initiative We Think Code with Arlene Mulder. Her ambition to source and develop the next generation of Africa’s digital talent is realised thereby echoing the […]

The Legacy Project

A Boston native, Asha began playing violin and viola at age six and is a graduate of the New England Conservatory Preparatory School where she studied privately with Boston Symphony Orchestra members Michael Zaretsky and Edward Gazouleas. In 2004, Asha moved to Los Angeles to pursue a full-time music career on her electric 7-string Viper […]

The Legacy Project

Jerome Touze is the Co-founder & Co-CEO of, the largest traveling social community with over 22 million members worldwide across 193 countries. Not only an Entrepreneur, he also sits on the boards and is an investor in numerous other tech-based businesses. The Essence of WAYN | I think the beauty about this is that […]

The Legacy Project

Phil has more than 24 years’ experience in the fast-moving consumer goods industry in various senior positions. Phil has previously served as COO – Africa for Coca Cola SABCO and as an Executive Director at Tiger Brands. My Definition Of Success | Success is two-fold. My job is extremely important to me. That said, as […]

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