Kirsty Chadwick | The Legacy Project | New Zealand


Kirsty Chadwick is an educator, public speaker and leader, who has spent almost two decades involved in the field of education. Founder of The Training Room Online, which designs and develops innovative tailor-made e-learning material for the corporate, industrial and private sectors, Kirsty has trained, developed and inspired people across three continents.

Kirsty Chadwick Definition Of Success | Success to me has always been about achieving the goals that I set for myself – both personally and professionally.


My Highlights | The highlight of my personal life is, without a doubt, my son. When I have a bad day, just knowing that I will see him at the end of it, makes everything seem better.


Founding The Training Room Online and the things that we have accomplished over the past 6 years makes me feel extremely proud.


The Difference Between good And Great | Is Passion and determination.


A Key Strength | Working hard has been critical to my success, in particular being able to work efficiently. It has been important for me to be able to learn to delegate; prioritize tasks; and to learn to say no sometimes.


a) Never lose sight of your goals – the more you focus on what you want to achieve, the more likely you are to get there.

b) Choose wisely – it is important that you surround yourself with like-minded people. They need to have the same type of drive and determination as you.

c) Trust your instincts – when something doesn’t feel right, it usually isn’t. Your gut instinct is one of the most powerful things that you have.

d) Attitude – it’s up to you to choose the attitude that you are going to have for the day ahead. Make sure you choose wisely.

e) Sacrifice – sometimes you need to sacrifice certain things in your life in order to reach your goals. Success doesn’t happen instantly, it takes a lot of hard work and perseverance.

f) Know your strengths – it is important to know what you are good at and how to use those things to your advantage.

g) Persistence – if at first you don’t succeed, dust yourself off and try again.



Principles I Live By | Honest, sincerity, kindness, and consideration towards the needs of others.



How I Use My Mind | Through visualization – I visualize where I will be and where my business will be in the future having achieved the goals set out.  Retaining a positive mindset and believing in yourself is very important.



The Best Advice I’ve Received | Reach for the stars and never give up.


How To Inspire Others | Lead by example; create an engaging working environment; listen and connect with the team; inspire and motivate everyone to continue to perform better.


The Legacy I’d Like To Leave | I would like to have made an impact on education within Africa.

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Nicky Abdinor Legacy Project is an Inspirational Keynote Speaker and registered Clinical Psychologist. She is available for consultations at her private practice in Milnerton, Cape Town. Nicky travels nationally and internationally for keynote speaking events. Nicky Abdinor Legacy Project She is always commended on being a “credible” agent of change whether you are connecting with […]

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

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The Legacy Project

Adriana is the founder and CEO of Girls in Tech, a non-profit organization, which she launched in February 2007. As a woman in tech, Adriana’s passion lies in bolstering opportunities around the empowerment, engagement and education of women in tech. She recently launched Singapore-based start-up, HelpLearn.Asia, an eLearning platform for small and medium-sized businesses. My […]

The Legacy Project

Alan is a Chartered Accountant by profession. He joined the group in April 2012 as CEO, prior to which he was the CEO of Nolands (Cape Town and South Africa), where he served his articles and subsequently became a partner in 1998. During this time he served on several boards gaining experience in varied industries […]

The profiles and images embedded on these pages are from various interviews conducted by The Legacy Project.

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