Social Media Growth

Course Details

  • Cost: $399
  • Type: Currently Discounted
About Course

Growing to build your brand on Social Media Growth can be challenging. I know you’re tired of perfecting every post, finding the perfect hashtags, and wondering if anyone is paying attention to your content. Luckily, I have a solution for you.

  • Do you feel a calling to share your story with the world?
  • Do you want to build an engaged audience that shares your values?
  • Do you have a lot of followers but don’t know how to capitalize on your audience?

Social Media Growth

Here’s What You’ll Gain From Choosing Social Media Growth:

  • Realizing your brand’s identity and purpose.
  • Knowing your audience and making them feel seen, heard, and understood.
  • Viewing your content as a form of service and gift to be shared.
  • Determining the pillars that uphold your brand.
  • Applying storytelling principles to everything you create.
  • Experiment with different forms of content and platforms to find your best fit.
  • Understanding the power of your creativity and talents.
  • Mastering the art of writing, creating, and repurposing content.
  • Building an engaged audience through consistency, purpose, and authenticity.
  • Turning your social media into passive income streams.

For years, my followers have asked for my guidance on growing their Socials. I’ve finally put all my thoughts and advice together in a step-by-step program.

Imagine having the freedom and BIG earning capacity you need to do the things you really LOVE.

Living life on your terms and by your rules.

Being in control of your time and earning capacity.

While working just a few hours a day.

The new program I’ve created shows you exactly how you can start today and build a massive following who believe in your brand in just a few weeks.

I’ve drawn on my experience and the opportunities I’ve been blessed with to crystallize the exact patterns that have driven my successes.

These patterns are summarized in a unique but simple-to-follow 6-step social media growth framework that I developed.

The 6 steps that have given me the massive successes I’ve gotten on my social media journey in just 6 short years are:

Step 1: Purpose and Mission
Step 2: Content
Step 3: Emotion
Step 4: Production
Step 5: Alchemist
Step 6: Profit

I’ve gone ahead to outline and share in detail, each of these 6 steps and how to implement them and get outrageous results with your social media growth journey as soon as this week.

I’ve packaged them into 6 different value-packed modules inside a course you could finish in a couple of evenings if you really wanted to.

Contact Us at WeSpeak Global and follow us on Twitter

For years, my followers have asked for my guidance on growing their Socials. I’ve finally put all my thoughts and advice together in a step-by-step program.

Imagine having the freedom and BIG earning capacity you need to do the things you really LOVE.

Living life on your terms and by your rules.

Being in control of your time and earning capacity.

While working just a few hours a day.

The new program I’ve created shows you exactly how you can start today and build a massive following who believe in your brand in just a few weeks.

I’ve drawn on my experience and the opportunities I’ve been blessed with to crystallize the exact patterns that have driven my successes.

I’ve packaged them into a course you could finish in a couple of evenings if you really wanted to.

Course Modules

  • What you do and why you do it.
  • Knowing who you are, and your brand will come to you.
  • Getting to know your audience on a deeper level.

You’ll learn how to align your brand and mission with your audience to grow fast and authentically on all social platforms.

  • How do you want your content to make people feel?
  • Using your gifts to choose your roles.
  • Choosing your content format.

You’ll learn how to joyfully create content that is engaging, addictive, and that your audience loves to share with others.

  • Making storytelling your superpower.
  • The 3 kinds of content and why they matter.
  • Creating good headlines.

You’ll learn how to create effective captions, headlines, and thumbnails that increase views, likes, followers, and subscribers.

  • Creating a content schedule (and sticking to it).
  • Approaching social media as an experiment.
  • Repurposing content to optimize your resources.

You’ll learn how to never run out of high-quality content that your audience will love.

  • Testing the different platforms.
  • Learning to master Facebook, IG, YouTube, and Tiktok.

You’ll learn how to be on the good side of the algorithm on all platforms so that your content is shown to a wider audience.

  • Finding cheerleaders and collaborators.
  • Turning followers into customers.
  • Creating your client framework.

You’ll learn how to expand your network to facilitate massive growth quickly and convert followers into customers without being salesy.

Learning Points

This course is for anyone, and by anyone, I mean YOU, especially if you…

  • Feel a calling to share your story with the world through content creation, empowerment, motivation, and inspiration.
  • Want to become a valued leader of your online community, inspiring others to follow you on your mission.
  • Want to work as a social media professional.
  • Do you want to use your skills and talents to help influencers expand their brand and build a following?

If you said yes to any of the above, perfect! This course is for you.

Purpose Clarification
Avoid burnout and know that you can overcome any challenge. Gain confidence and success!
 Audience Harmonization
Attract fans that evangelize on your behalf and can’t get enough of you. Relax instead of being consumed by fear!

Self-Role Alignment
Congruence between your skills and content. Make your life as a content creator easier while boosting your self-esteem to set bigger goals!
3 Phase Content Framework
Give your content the ingredients necessary to go viral. Enjoy the process while on the rapid path to growth!

Social Media Domination
Get up-to-date methods for more views, likes, followers, and subscribers. So you can create an exciting future for yourself!
Inner Circle Configuration
Accelerate your growth with support from a community that understands your journey and wants to see you succeed. Never feel like you’re walking this road alone!


Your Personal Guide to Outsourcing Roles
All you need to know to start delegating and outsourcing tasks while you are growing your social media presence.

How to Create Quality Videos with Confidence
A detailed guide with task checklists for preparation, filming and editing your video content

Creating a Brand Stylesheet Tutorial
Series of videos and workbooks to create your brand voice, tone and style and convert your brand identity into a professional reference sheet for all your future graphic designs.

A 47-page Workbook with Lesson Exercises


After enrolling, you have 1 year access to this course through the Kajabi portal.

We recommend investing at least two hours a week for consistent growth and implementation to complete this program in 10 weeks. However, you may take it also at a slower or faster pace. You will have lifetime access to course materials so that you can create your learning schedule according to your pace.

All of the lectures are video-based, and you can easily follow along with the workbook.

If you feel a calling to share your story with the world through content creation, empowerment, motivation, and inspiration, this course will help you achieve this goal.

While Jay does not provide personal social media consulting during this course, he has put all his thoughts, advice, and personal experience to crystallize in this course the exact moments and patterns that have driven his social media success.

Yes, this course is suitable for beginners. We provide task guides, workbooks and checklists, so you can achieve the same results.

Yes, this course will help you boost your confidence. Lessons include Jay’s personal tips on personal development and overcoming self-doubt.

You will be supported by our Customer Service team’s email desk 7 days a week.

Instructor Speaking Profiles

Jay Shetty

Jay Shetty is a former monk who is now an award-winning host, storyteller, author, and viral content creator. Since launching his video channel in 2016, Shetty’s viral wisdom videos have garnered over 4 billion views and gained over 20 million followers globally. This makes him one of the most viewed people on the internet internationally. […]

  • Los Angeles, CA

User Reviews

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【このコースは、日本語字幕版です。字幕を表示するには、視聴画面下部の再生バーにある「CC」ボタンをクリックしてください。】 新しいビジネスを立ち上げる時は、最初の一歩が肝心です。このコースでは、分野や経験を問わず、起業に興味のあるかた、いつか自分のビジネスを持ってみたいと思うかたへ向けて、シリコンバレーで30年スタートアップを見てきたガイ・カワサキ氏が、起業のエッセンスを語ります。 ビジネスを立ち上げ、投資家やユーザーを惹きつける強いブランドを構築する方法 ·ビジネスを立ち上げるために重要な観点を習得。 ·マーケティングの達人でもあるガイ・カワサキ氏から、ご自身のビジネスに対する評価のしかたを学びます。 ·「やってはいけないこと」を学び、効率的にビジネスを拡大する方法を学びます。 ·実際の起業家のセールスピッチを聞き、生のフィードバックをご覧いただきます。 スタートアップにまつわる、起業家と投資家の両視点を知る このコースでは、ビジネスを立ち上げる際のポイントを学ぶだけではなく、ガイ・カワサキ氏が30年にも渡り積み上げてきた、起業家・アドバイザー・投資家としての知見を得ることができます。 起業家と投資家の両方を経験しているガイ・カワサキ氏ならではの視点で、両プレイヤーから見たビジネスについて解説します。このコースを通じて、彼がAppleやGoogle、またシリコンバレーで複数のスタートアップを立ち上げた経験から得たことをみなさまにお伝えしたいと願っています。 Entrepreneurship Course in Japanese コース概要 既にビジネスプランを持っているかたから、ちょっといいアイデアを思いついたばかりのかたまで。起業のエキスパートであるガイ・カワサキ氏が、実話を交えながら、起業の各ステップをわかりやすくご説明します。 ·起業に関するAからZ:ローンチからセールスピッチまで、資金集めとチームビルディング、そしてビジネス拡大のためのマーケティングまで。事業拡大に必要なポイントをステップごとに学べます。 ·セールスピッチの実践プレゼンテーション: 起業を目指す若者による、投資家向けのセールスピッチをご覧いただきます。ガイ・カワサキ氏が本気のフィードバック(手加減ゼロです!)を行いますので、お楽しみに。 ·ガイ・カワサキ氏によるQ&Aセッション:「良いアイデアと悪いアイデアの見分けかたは?」「事業が不調なときの気持ちの保ち方、事業が好調なときの気持ちの落ちつけかたは?」など、SNSフォロワーからの質問にガイ・カワサキ氏が答えます。 シリコンバレーで長年培われてきたスタートアップの知見や、実践的なアドバイスをもとに、ぜひあなたのアイデアをビジネスに結び付け、拡大させていく一助となれば幸いです。 Contact Us at WeSpeak Global and follow us on Twitter

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WeSpeak Global provides costs that are accurate at time of publishing.

These remain the property of its owner and not affiliated with or endorsed by WeSpeak Global.

Course Fees listed on this website are intended to serve as a guideline only.

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